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国际奥林匹克委员会总部,洛桑 / 3XN + IttenBrechbühl

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2019-06-25 09:26



奥林匹克运动旨在通过体育运动创造一个更好的世界。这是奥林匹克运动的本质,它卓越、尊重和友谊的价值核心,也是瑞士洛桑新国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)总部的灵感基础。这座名为奥林匹克之家(Olympic House)的新建筑,旨在将奥委会管理部门汇聚到同一座建筑之中。建筑围绕着五个重要目标进行设计,将奥林匹克运动的原则转变为建筑形态:动感、透明、灵活、可持续性和协作性。在2014年由114名参赛者参与的多阶段国际建筑竞赛中,国际奥委会执行委员会选择3XN作为国际奥委会总部的设计者。竞赛结束后,当地建筑事务所IttenBrechbühl与3XN一同合作,共同监管这个项目。

The Olympic Movement seeks to build a better world through sport. It is the essence of the Olympic Movement and its values of excellence, respect, and friendship that serve as the basis of inspiration for the new International Olympic Committee (IOC) Headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. The new building, called Olympic House, aims to bring the IOC administration under one roof. It is designed around five key objectives that translate the Olympic  Movement’s principles into built form: movement, transparency, flexibility, sustainability, and collaboration. In 2014, following a multi-stage, international architecture competition with 114 participants, the IOC Executive Board selected 3XN as the designer of the IOC Headquarters. Following the competition, local architecture office IttenBrechbühl worked in consortium with 3XN to oversee the project.

▼奥林匹克委员会总部概览,overview of the Olympic House

在1894年诞生的国际奥委会成立125周年之际,奥林匹克委员会总部的落成代表着组织对奥林匹克之都洛桑的承诺。奥林匹克委员会总部借助其地理位置优势,充分利用日内瓦湖畔Louis Bourget公园的美景。新建筑包括一个会议中心、几间会议室、一间餐厅、运动设施和用作办公室的三层楼层、屋顶平台和地下停车场。

Coinciding with the 125th anniversary of the creation of the IOC in 1894, the inauguration of Olympic House represents the commitment of the organization to the city of Lausanne, the Olympic Capital. Olympic House will take full advantage of its beautiful location in Louis Bourget Park, on the border of Lake Geneva. The new building will include a conference center, meeting rooms, a restaurant, fitness facilities and 3 floors of offices, as well as a roof terrace and underground parking.

▼奥林匹克委员会总部借助其地理位置优势,充分利用日内瓦湖畔公园的美景, Olympic House will take full advantage of its beautiful location in Louis Bourget Park, on the border of Lake Geneva


尊重的融合|Respectful integration

项目设计的一个重要方面是结合公园曾为18世纪城堡Le Château de Vidy所在地的历史背景。位于一处欢迎着广大游客的公共场地之中,奥林匹克委员会总部成为当地标志性的地标建筑,具有可达性和透明性。日内瓦湖畔是一片保护区域,因此3XN与国际奥委会一同协作,实现该项目与周边环境最高程度的融合。附近的Château de Vidy是Canton de Vaud的一座建筑,餐厅的设计尊重城堡的历史特征和公园环境,将绿色公共空间与奥林匹克总部紧密的衔接起来。

Incorporating the historic setting of the park, home to the eighteenth-century castle Le Château de Vidy, was a crucial aspect of the project. Located inside a public space that welcomes a diverse group of visitors, Olympic House becomes an emblematic architectural landmark for the local community, exemplifying accessibility and transparency. The shores of Lake Geneva are a protected area, and therefore 3XN, working with the IOC, approached the project with the intent to achieve the highest level of integration within the surrounding environment. The neighboring Château de Vidy, a building included in the Canton de Vaud’s condition. The resultant design respects both the Château’s legacy and the park setting, establishing seamless transitions between the green public space and Olympic House.

▼奥林匹克委员会总部成为当地标志性的地标建筑,具有可达性和透明性,Olympic House becomes an emblematic architectural landmark for the local community, exemplifying accessibility and transparency


▼观景设计概念,view concept

The positioning of the Headquarters on the east side, combined with the dense grove of trees to the west, results in a reinterpretation of classical symmetry using the Château as the central axis. By consolidating the functions of the current Olympic House and Pavilion, the new headquarters and surrounding landscape provide the same amount of green space on the campus, while more than doubling the square meters of the building. The design incorporates nature and landscape to maximize the beauty of the location, using plant elements of different scales to create paths and view points, while ensuring the preservation of the local biodiversity. A vegetated plinth discreetly blends in with the landscape, minimizing the impact of the building’s footprint.

▼总部位于场地东侧,结合西侧葱郁的树林,重新诠释了以城堡为中心轴线的古典对称式布局,the positioning of the Headquarters on the east side, combined with the dense grove of trees to the west, results in a reinterpretation of classical symmetry using the Château as the central axis

▼设计结合自然与景观,最大限度的呈现了所处地区的美景,利用大小尺度不同的绿色植物塑造景观道路和观景点,the design incorporates nature and landscape to maximize the beauty of the location, using plant elements of different scales to create paths and view points



建筑的透明性象征着国际奥委会这一组织的开放性,也为建筑带来了令人惊叹的湖光美景。落地窗全玻璃立面将日光引入建筑内部,提升了双层表皮体系的隔热效果。立面内凹设计让公园深入到办公室空间。玻璃结构象征着国际奥委会对组织透明公开程度的期望,反映了2020年奥林匹克议程(Olympic Agenda 2020)所引起的整体结构的改变。设计使得建筑内日常工作和活动都能够通过立面映射出来。

The building’s transparency symbolizes the openness of the IOC as an organization and provides stunning views of the lake beyond. This floor-to-ceiling, fully glazed façade brings daylight deep into the building, while optimizing thermal insulation with a double-skin system. This indentation of the façade allows the park to flow deeper into the office space. The glass construction becomes a metaphor for the IOC’s desire for organizational transparency, reflecting the overall structural changes initiated by the Olympic Agenda 2020. The design allows the daily work and movements of the IOC staff to be visible through the façade.

▼建筑的透明性为建筑带来了令人惊叹的湖光美景,the building’s transparency provides stunning views of the lake beyond

▼立面内凹设计让公园深入到办公室空间,this indentation of the façade allows the park to flow deeper into the office space

▼玻璃结构象征着国际奥委会对组织透明公开程度的期望,the glass construction becomes a metaphor for the IOC’s desire for organizational transparency


灵活性与便捷性|Flexibility and agility


A hallmark of 3XN’s design, the façade pays tribute to the Olympic spirit by emulating the graceful movements of an athlete. The dynamic, undulating flow of the façade appears differently from all angles, conveying the energy of an athlete in motion. In sports, movement leads to optimized performance; likewise, the formal manipulations of the building envelope have a direct effect on the building’s functioning. Olympic House is a global icon and a symbol of the IOC, but it must also function as a busy workplace.

▼立面通过模拟运动员优雅的动作向奥林匹克精神致敬, the façade pays tribute to the Olympic spirit by emulating the graceful movements of an athlete

▼立面动态起伏的流线从各个角度看都不尽相同,the dynamic, undulating flow of the façade appears differently from all angles

▼不同角度的建筑外形,architecture form from different angles

▼立面展现出运动员运动时所具有的能量,facade conveys the energy of an athlete in motion

▼形态细节,form details


3XN’s central belief that architecture shapes behavior was a primary consideration while conceiving of the new IOC Headquarters. The transparency and flow of the design is intended to facilitate and encourage interaction, communication and knowledge sharing among the
staff. Enhanced circulation will serve as a catalyst for collaboration and solidarity among the workforce. The interior is designed with as few structural constraints as possible: 4 service cores and 14 pillars support the structure of the building. The systematic arrangement of the technical and electrical elements enables an agile working environment, dedicated to a highly mobile workforce that adapts to strategic and organizational changes. With offices that can be easily moved through the open spaces, workspaces can be easily modified according to the ever-changing needs of the IOC staff, encouraging internal collaboration.

▼高效的交通体系成为工作人员之间合作与凝聚力的催化剂,内部设计尽可能降低结构带来的约束,enhanced circulation will serve as a catalyst for collaboration and solidarity among the workforce; the interior is designed with as few structural constraints as possible


团结协作|Unity and collaboration

楼梯参考了Baron Pierre de Coubertin的奥林匹克圆环,高耸入建筑最高点,通过一个中庭连接所有楼层。遵循主动设计的准则,橡木楼梯和其边界限定了用于社交活动和动态的中央区域。楼梯是国际奥委会员工和利益相关者之间团结协作的视觉展现。展览空间、一间咖啡厅、会议室围绕着中央楼梯布置,为500名日常用户带来了一种社区化的感觉。奥林匹克委员会总部既是普通用户,也是不同利益相关者,包括国际奥委会商业合作伙伴(陶氏、丰田、松下)、可持续性认证机构、地方当局、供应商和学者以及国际奥委会员工之间创新协作的独特范例。

▼楼梯设计参考奥林匹克圆环,Unity Staircase references the Olympic Rings

The Unity Staircase, which references Baron Pierre de Coubertin’s Olympic Rings, soars the full height of the building and connects all floors through a central atrium. Following the principles of active design, the oak staircase and its periphery define the central area for social activity and movement. The staircase is a visual expression of the unity and collaboration between the IOC staff and stakeholders. Exhibition spaces, a cafeteria and meeting rooms are also arranged around the central staircase, promoting a sense of community for the 500 regular users. Olympic House is also a unique example of innovative collaboration between regular users. Olympic House is also a unique example of innovative collaboration between many different stakeholders, including some of the IOC’s commercial partners (Dow, Toyota and Panasonic), sustainability certification bodies, local authorities, suppliers and academics, as well as the IOC staff.

▼中庭连接所有楼层,all floors connect through a central atrium

▼仰视中庭,look up to the atrium

▼楼梯是国际奥委会员工和利益相关者之间团结协作的视觉展现,the staircase is a visual expression of the unity and collaboration between the IOC staff and stakeholders

▼俯瞰楼梯空间,aerial view of the staircase

▼楼梯高耸入建筑顶端,staircase soars the full height of the building


可持续发展的承诺|Commitment to sustainability

3XN 不仅将国际奥委会可持续发展的承诺融入到设计和建造中,也将其融入到奥林匹克总部的操作理念之中。通过创新性特征,在不影响工作环境质量的情况下,将建筑环境的侵占性降低到最小。建筑的围护结构借助气密性和内部立面的三层玻璃实现良好的隔热性能。立面内层结构保证隔热,外层结构强化设计,通过集成遮阳系统保护建筑并降低附近高速公路传来的噪音。建筑围护结构设计形成特定向内向外的推拉和流动形态,由此扩增的立面表面增添内部光照和观景点。

The IOC’s commitment to sustainability has been integrated by 3XN not only into the design and the construction, but also through the development of operational concepts for Olympic House. Through innovative features, the building’s environmental footprint is minimized without compromising the quality of the working environment. The building’s envelope allows for excellent insulation through airtightness and the triple glazing on the internal skin facade. The inner layer of the façade provides thermal insulation while the outer layer enhances the design, protecting the building through an integrated sunscreen system and reducing noise from the nearby highway. The envelope of the building is designed specifically to push and flow inward and outward, gaining additional façade surface area for day lighting and views.

▼建筑的围护结构借助气密性和内部立面的三层玻璃实现良好的隔热性能,the building’s envelope allows for excellent insulation through airtightness and the triple glazing on the internal skin facade

▼通过集成遮阳系统保护建筑并降低附近高速公路传来的噪音,the design protects the building through an integrated sunscreen system and reducing noise from the nearby highway

奥林匹克委员会总部获得了三项高标准的可持续性认证,在国际上(LEED认证)和国内(Minergie和SNBS认证)都具有很高的认可度。奥林匹克委员会总部获得LEED最高等级的铂金认证,也获得了Swiss Sustainable Construction Standard (SNBS)铂金级认证和Minergie P瑞士节能建筑认证。建筑主要使用可再生能源、智能建筑设备、热循环系统和围护结构确保高能源效率。节水型卫生设备和雨水收集系统极大地降低了建筑用水量。安装在屋顶下的太阳能电池板有助于建筑的电力供应。另一项重要的可持续设施是热量交换器和热泵利用湖水为建筑升温和冷却。建筑材料经过精心挑选,旨在限制污染物的排放同时确保使用者拥有舒适地最优室内空气质量。谨慎而充满尊重的拆除原有国际奥委会管理大楼也是项目重要的一部分,通过对建筑材料的再利用、选择性拆除和回收,促进了循环经济的发展。原有建筑95%以上的材料被重复使用或回收,进一步增强了建筑的可持续特性。奥林匹克总部是国际奥委会在洛桑根源地与未来可持续性愿景之间的桥梁,新奥林匹克总部是21世纪灵活和可持续工作空间的一项创新范例,它反映了国际奥委会的价值观,定义了它全新的身份象征。

▼可持续性设计策略,sustainability design concept

Olympic House was awarded three high level sustainability certifications that are well recognized both internationally (the LEED standard) and nationally (the Minergie and SNBS standards). Olympic House is LEED Platinum certified, the highest certification level from LEED. The building also earned a Platinum level certification from the Swiss Sustainable Construction Standard (SNBS), and earned the Swiss standard for energy-efficient buildings, Minergie P. The building will be mainly supplied with renewable energy, while smart building features, heat recovery systems and its envelope ensure a high energy efficiency. Water-efficient sanitary equipment and rainwater capture significantly reduce the building’s water consumption. Solar panels placed to underline the roof design contribute to the building’s electricity supply. Another important sustainability feature is the use of lake water through heat exchangers and heat pumps for heating and cooling the building. The materials were carefully chosen with the intention of limiting pollutant emissions and ensuring the best indoor air quality for the user’s comfort. The respectful deconstruction of the former IOC administration buildings was a significant element of the project, contributing to a circular economy through the reuse, selective demolition and recycling of construction materials. Over 95 percent of the former administrative building’s materials were reused or recycled, furthering the building’s sustainability imprint. Olympic House serves as a bridge between the roots of the IOC in Lausanne and the vision of the organization for a sustainable future. The new IOC Headquarters is an innovative example of a 21st century agile and sustainable workspace that reflects the values and defines the identity of the IOC.

▼晚霞映衬下的建筑,the building with sunset glow

▼傍晚景色,scenery in the evening

▼夜景细节,night view detail

▼总平面图,site plan

▼首层平面,ground floor plan

▼屋顶平面,roof plan



The International Olympic Committee: Client
Marie Sallois, directrice de programme
Thierry Tribolet, Responsable service des bâtiments Nicolas Rogemond, chef de programme
3XN Architects: Design Architects
IttenBrechbühl: Local Architects
Hüsler & Associés: Landscape Architects 
RBSGROUP: Interior design and work space planning 
Jesper Kongshaug: Architectural lighting design 
SCHÉMA-TEC: Kitchen specialist
Photographers: Adam Mørk, Copenhagen Lucas Delachaux, Lausanne
Renderings: Forbes Massie, 3XN
Address: Route de Vidy 9 et 11, 1006 Lausanne
Floors: 6 (Olympic House), 3 (Château)
Work stations: 500
Volume total SIA: 135’000 m3 (Olympic House) 3’900 m3 (Château) Site: 31’390 m2
Building Surface: 5’950 m2 (Olympic House), 325 m2 (Château)
Size: 22’000 m2, 850 m2 (Château)
Parking: 203 for cars, 25 motorcycles
