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乐清市育英寄宿学校小学部二期工程,浙江 / 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2020-11-18 09:22



关于环境 | About the environment


▼鸟瞰图,aerial view © 奥观摄影

The lot for the campus is square, The first part of the design plan occupied 3/4 (25558 ㎡) of the lot,  The school can get the rest 1/4 (9091 ㎡) on the north west side in five years, it is for the second part of the plan. The lot is surrounded by campus buildings, there is a municipal road on the north side and a small river on the west. The new building has 25 meters spacing from the campus building of the first part, and proper spacing from the dormitories on the east.

▼总图,site plan © 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司


关于需求 | About demand



In the first part of the architecture plans, we built one teaching complex and two dormitory buildings.There are 36 classrooms, 229 dormitory rooms and spaces for other purposes, the total construction area is 30362 ㎡. The second part of the architecture plans needs 12 classrooms, 140 dormitory rooms, several cafeterias, the library and some laboratories. The total construction area is 18627 ㎡. The school emphasized that they hope the design includes more space for outdoor activities, and that their needs in this regard became our original inspiration when designing this scheme.

After the school opens, children will spend most of their waking time in the campus environment which was designed by the architects. Therefore, creating various types of open studding spaces that allows students to study in whatever way they feel works best for them became the main intention of our design for this campus.

▼东南向实景,view from southeast © 奥观摄影

▼宿舍楼架空,dormitory building © 奥观摄影


关于逻辑 | About logic



▼分析图,diagram © 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司

This Design uses a simple spiral shape as the logical form. The center is started at the ground floor and gradually increases height to the six floor as the spiral expands. This design makes it possible that every floor gets a great amount of opening rooftop space which can be used for outdoor activities. On the other hand, the gradually  decreasing mass of the upper part of the architecture and the overhead space on the ground floor reduces the sense of closure that comes from the spiral shape.

There are some specific angle differences for the blocks of the teaching complex part. This gesture reacts to the distancing in between the teaching building parts on the south, the motor vehicle on the north, and the connection path to the cafeteria on the west.

▼螺旋体给每层带来大面积的屋顶活动空间,the spiral shape makes it possible that every floor gets a great amount of opening rooftop space © 奥观摄影

▼内院鸟瞰,aerial view to the courtyard © 奥观摄影

▼内院台阶,courtyard staircase


关于多路径 | About multipath


Campus buildings in China, especially the elementary school campuses, always use closed management to ensure campus safety, therefore it is suitable to use multipath to make the space between each single building successive. By using multipath, campus can avoid having authoritarian and monotonous environments. Creating diversified studying spaces is in line with the innovative education concept advocated by the government.

▼活动平台,activity terrace © 奥观摄影

▼公共楼梯,public staircase © 奥观摄影

▼公共楼梯仰视,looking upwards from the staircase © 奥观摄影


关于肌理化 | About textured fenestration


Textured fenestration is a popular technique in contemporary time to challenge the stereotypical rigid facade: patterns are formed on the facade through random interweaving of windows and walls. This method not only satisfies the needs of lighting and ventilation, but also fits with the lively architecture style.

▼餐厅,restaurant building © 奥观摄影

▼东立面,east facade © 奥观摄影


总结 | Conclusion


Hugo Haring once said: “We must discover things and let them unfold their own forms. ” Architecture is always born out of demand. A specific demand can often be the initial inspiration of a design, and that will lead to a corresponding logical form, at the same time it can respond to each of the lot’s condition factors. And this kind of design is exactly what we are trying to pursue.

▼公共楼梯,public staircase © 奥观摄影

▼活动平台阶梯,staircase to activity terrace © 奥观摄影

▼东北向鸟瞰,aerial view from northeast © 奥观摄影

▼一层平面图,first floor plan © 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司

▼二层平面图,second floor plan © 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司

▼四层平面图,fourth floor plan © 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司

▼北立面图,north elevation © 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司

▼东立面图,east elevation © 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司

▼剖立面图,section-elevation © 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司


建筑设计:侍可 戴建华 刁立坤 刘赛群 吴凡
结构设计:王睿 陈聪 邵艳艳 张志彬 葛晓梅
机电设计:朱三利 应浙宣 薛晓迪 陈平 宋捷 余家庆 赵天龙
