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杭州高德置地广场 / SOM

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2023-12-07 09:25



Establishing a new city center


Historically, Hangzhou’s municipal government and cultural core was located northeast of the famous West Lake, in an area that has been continuously inhabited for over two thousand years. In the early aughts, following decades of significant growth south of the Qiantang River, the city developed a master plan for a new city center along the riverfront.

▼项目概览,project overview © Shi Zheng | Aogvision


▼场地分析,analysis diagram © SOM

The Qianjiang New City development relocated the city government to this area, and spurred the creation of a vibrant new district with cultural venues, parks, a Grand Theater, and International Conference Center. GT Land Plaza is a foundational and central project in this plan; its architecture brings together the city’s future-oriented growth, and the most enduring and beloved qualities of old Hangzhou.

▼项目与周边城市环境夜景,overall night view of the project and surrounding environment


Celebrating the West Lake


For centuries, poets and artists have celebrated the natural beauty of the West Lake. Continuing this tradition, SOM conceptualized the north facade of the GT Land Plaza as the glimmering surface of a “vertical lake.” The monumental north facade evokes the sublime experience of the natural lake, and also positions the building as an equal counterpart to the abutting park and civic building. This broad facade is composed of glass panels of varying opacities and hues that reflect sunlight. Many of the large curtain wall panels incorporate a silver mesh between the layers of glass. At night, the facade is illuminated with a series of uplights that create the effect of light scattering across water.

▼由周边绿地看北立面,viewing the north facade from the lawn © 章鱼见筑

▼北立面,north facade © 章鱼见筑

▼北立面分析图,analysis diagram of the north facade © SOM

▼北立面夜景, night view of the north facade © Shi Zheng | Aogvision

▼街道夜景,street view at night © Shi Zheng | Aogvision


Classical teahouse pavilions reinterpreted

位于七层的大型屋顶室外水景花园平台的设计借鉴中国传统建筑和杭州的茶文化。 水景位于商场上方的大型玻璃天庭的上方,既有利于降低屋顶花园的温度,亦让斑驳的阳光透过玻璃照射入商场内部。

The seventh-floor rooftop features the Water Garden, a large outdoor space inspired by Hangzhou’s renowned waterfront pavilions and teahouse culture. A thin layer of water sits on a large, glazed skylight, reducing the temperature at the garden, while also allowing dappled sunlight into the retail space below.

▼街道视角,street view © Shi Zheng | Aogvision


Reimagining the classical pavilions that ring the West Lake, the design team surrounded the pool with pavilions that house a hotel restaurant, a multifunctional ballroom, and an intimate tea house. Each of the pavilions has a distinct facade design. The hotel restaurant is long and low, clad in a series of horizontal wood screens. The ballroom is enclosed in clear glass with a copper mesh inner layer. Bright aluminum panels clad the small tea house, which is lined with warm interior surfaces for a vibrant effect.

▼功能分析,analysis of program © SOM

▼露台,outdoor terrace ©章鱼见筑

▼近景细部,closer view of the building ©章鱼见筑

▼体块构成,composition of the volume © SOM

▼裙楼屋顶花园设计分析,analysis diagram of the podium roof garden © SOM

▼屋顶花园,podium roof garden ©章鱼见筑


Bringing human-scale qualities to a large-scale building

从北立面转一个角度,映入眼帘的是建筑许多独特的和交错相扣的不同功能模块,既创造出视觉冲击力,也体现了建筑的多功能用途。 不同的功能模块既相对独立又通过廊道互相连接,可共享配套设施。 公寓和酒店的客人,均可轻松前往水疗中心、健身会所和泳池。

Turning the corner from the north facade, the building’s many distinct, interlocking components come into view. Beyond creating visual interest, this form expresses the building’s many different uses. The architecture gives shape to each of the different program types, while creating pathways between shared amenities. Both the apartments and the hotel provide easy access to the spa, health club, and pool facilities.

▼街道视角,street view © Shi Zheng | Aogvision

办公区通过共享电梯与商务中心、会议和活动空间连接起来; 而商场与酒店可共享屋顶花园。在一个建筑内同时呈现的功能多样性和连接性,充分体现了这个如同一个混合功能城市社区的项目的人性化尺度。

The office block connects with the business center, conference and event facilities through a shared elevator stop. Retailers share the rooftop Water Garden with the hotel blurring the lines between these spaces. The programmatic diversity and connective pathways manifest, within a single building, the human-scale qualities of a mixed-use urban neighborhood.

▼功能分析,analysis of program © SOM

▼底部裙楼,the podium © Shi Zheng | Aogvision

▼主入口,main entrance © 章鱼见筑

▼庭院夜景,night view of the patio © 章鱼见筑

业主: 高德置地集团
规模:403,028 平方米
摄影: Shi Zheng | Aogvision, 章鱼见筑
SOM工作范围:  建筑设计, 公共空间室内设计,结构设计
竣工年份: 2019
Collaborating Architect: Hanjia Design Group Co., LTD.
Landscape Designer: Tom Leader Studio Inc
Civil Engineer: Hanjia Design Group Co., LTD.
Structural Engineer: SOM
MEP Engineer: WSP Flack+Kurtz
Interior Designer: LYO (Retail interiors) KCA International (Hotel+Service Apartment Interiors)
Other Consultants: C.S. Caulkins Co., Inc. (Window Washing Consultant), DEW Inc. (Water Feature Consultant)
Lighting: Flack & Kurtz Lighting Design Group
Vertical Transportation: Lerch Bates

Client: G.T. Land Holdings Ltd.
Size: 403,028 sqm2
Site Area: 37,307 sqm2
Location: Hangzhou, China
Height: 200 meters
Photography: Shi Zheng | Aogvision; ZY Studio
SOM Services: Architecture, Public Space Interior Design, Structural Engineering
Year of Completion: 2019
Collaborating Architect: Hanjia Design Group Co., LTD.
Landscape Designer: Tom Leader Studio Inc
Civil Engineer: Hanjia Design Group Co., LTD.
Structural Engineer: SOM
MEP Engineer: WSP Flack+Kurtz
Interior Designer: LYO (Retail interiors) KCA International (Hotel+Service Apartment Interiors)
Other Consultants: C.S. Caulkins Co., Inc. (Window Washing Consultant), DEW Inc. (Water Feature Consultant)
Lighting: Flack & Kurtz Lighting Design Group
Vertical Transportation: Lerch Bates
