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阿里巴巴达摩院南湖园区 / Aedas

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2024-03-28 09:18



由Aedas全球设计董事韦业启(Ken Wai)、执行董事李巍、执行董事沈菲力,共同设计的阿里巴巴达摩院南湖园区已顺利竣工。园区集最先进的智能办公室、研究实验室、访客和展览中心以及相关配套设施于一体,设计力图在余杭南湖畔打造世界级一流科研院所,塑造杭州风雅清丽的城市名片。

Designed by Aedas Global Design Principal Ken Wai, Executive Directors Wei Li and Feili Shen, the Hangzhou Alibaba DAMO Nanhu Industry Park is completed. The park integrates the state-of-the-art office, tech laboratory, visitor center, creating a world-class research workplace in Hangzhou.

▼依山傍水一叶浮生的项目鸟瞰,Aerial view of the project © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希


▼叶状园区整体布局,Masterplan of the park © Aedas 

The park occupied a land of 228,100 sq m, sits in the centre of Nanhu Science City abounded with landscape resources and lush vegetation. It resembles as a Bodhi leaf, emulating leaf veins to create open courtyards and view corridors.

▼顶视图,Top view © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希


▼设计手稿,Sketch © Aedas 

The design is tilted towards the east to create a cascading courtyard buildings. The finger-shaped office buildings are set in parallel with the view corridor while canteen and public amenities are sensibly placed in the centre of the campus on the north-south central axis for easy access. A serene yet dynamic environment is created through the integration of landscape and architecture.

▼南北中轴线的建筑排列,Campus on the north-south axis © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希

▼主入口处的访客中心,Visitor centre at the entrance © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希


The office buildings adopts a column-grid structure with flexible and modulated layout, integrating office, conference space. In order to maximise flexibility, modular office blocks could be linked to create workplace between 500 sq m to 4,000 sq m.

▼园区鸟瞰(局部),Aerial view of the park © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希

▼南北中轴线(局部),Campus on north-south axis © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希


Courtyards, gardens and public plazas are embedded in-between buildings for relaxation and activities, portraying a space in which elements in nature flourish in a symbiotic relationship. The elegant office building form are encased in a glass curtain wall that are ‘jagged’ to maximise privacy between buildings.

▼建筑间的生态环境,Ample public space in office area © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希

▼平行交错的布局结构,The façade adopts glass curtain wall © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希

▼锯齿状立面与庭院,Jagged façade and courtyard © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希


‘The park blends the authentic culture and technology into the architectural form. It integrates the buildings with the surroundings, becoming a showcase for future office and workplace design.’ Ken says.

▼夕阳下项目鸟瞰,Aerial view of the project © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希

▼夕阳下项目鸟瞰,Aerial view of the project © Aedas / 摄影:张虔希

主要设计人:韦业启(Ken Wai),全球设计董事;李巍,执行董事;沈菲力,执行董事

Project: Hangzhou Alibaba DAMO Nanhu Industry Park
Location: Hangzhou, China
Client: Chuanjia Technology (Hangzhou) Ltd.
Design and Project Architect: Aedas
Gross Floor Area: 500,000 sq m
Completion Year: 2023
Design Directors: Ken Wai, Global Design Principal; Wei Li, Executive Director; Feili Shen, Executive Director
