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中利电子生态总部,江苏常熟 / NKO日兴设计

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2024-07-15 09:27




Architectural Concept


With simple and feasible technology use, suitable architectural composition for the regional climate characteristics, and reasonable cost control, to build a vitality of low energy consumption building. Aiming at the sustainable development of people, architecture and nature, it makes full use of natural conditions and science and technology to create a comfortable and healthy working environment and reduce the load on the environment in the whole life cycle of architecture as far as possible.

▼建筑以简约的形体融入环境中,The building integrates into the environment with a simple shape ©️ Rh+c


Site and Context Analysis



▼概念草图,concept sketch ©️ NKO日兴设计

The base is located in Shajiabang,Changshu, which is 3km from Shajiabang scenic spot to the west and south of landscape river Hengjingtang tributary, to the north of Qingnian Road, and to the east of the planned road. Changshu city is a subtropical monsoon humid climate and has four distinct seasons. In summer, it’s much southeast wind, burning hot and rainy. This is a typical Jiangnan watertown, due to the humid and rainy climate, ventilation, dehumidification and shading are the key issues for traditional dwellings.

It is worth mentioning that the owner of this project is the largest photovoltaic manufacturing enterprise in Changshu. The corporate goal is to make solar energy the mainstay of the green and sustainable future. At the beginning of the project, we reached a consensus with the client through communication: building a truly green and ecological headquarters is the best interpretation of corporate culture.

▼俯瞰建筑与场地的关系,Overlooking the relationship between the building and the site ©️ Rh+c


The project’s challenges are obvious: the client’s requirements, regional climate, and cultural constraints. In the creation process, we have adopt some passive energy saving measures, simple and feasible technology use, suitable architectural composition for the regional climate characteristics, and reasonable cost control, to build a vitality of low energy consumption building. The design concept of the building is consistent with the five points of the new building proposed by Le Corbusier: elevated ground floor, the roof garden, the free plane, the horizontal long window and the free facade, which are also the general principles followed by modern architecture. In addition to the five points of the new building, we have increased the use of solar energy.

▼植入建筑的光伏板形成富有动感的表皮肌理,Photovoltaic panels embedded in the building create a dynamic surface texture ©️ Rh+c


Description of project details

建筑采用了南北向的一字形布局,这种建筑形体紧凑、高效,在减少建筑外表面积的同时增加了空间的使用效率。首层只保留了门厅和餐厅,其余空间全部架空,东西横向柱跨为8.4 米,南北纵向柱跨达到16.8 米,形成了大空间的无柱架空层。建筑主体为三层,局部四层,我们将花园移到了三层的屋顶上,这里视野开阔,远处连绵的水系和自然村落尽收眼底。平面采用了相对自由的布局方式,圆形大厅四层通高,白天顶部光线透过北向侧窗进入室内,经过漫反射后均匀洒落下来,晚上则用人工照明营造出同样的光效。根据建筑功能,在各个朝向采取了不同的设计手法,南立面的横向长窗让更多的光线进入室内,东西实面对防止西晒有明显的作用,北面则根据建筑功能对采光需求的不同呈现了一种功能主义的构成。

▼剖透视,cross-section perspective ©️ NKO日兴设计

The building is arranged in a single line from north to south, which is compact ,efficient, and in reducing the exterior area of the building at the same time increase the use efficiency of the space. The first floor only retains the hall and dining room, while the rest of the space is built on stilts. The span of the east and west horizontal columns is 8.4 meters, and the span of the north and south longitudinal columns reaches 16.8 meters, forming a large space without columns. The main part of the building has three floors, and part of it has four floors. We have moved the garden to the roof of the third floor, where we can have a wide view of the water system and natural villages in the distance. The plane is laid out in a relatively free way, the rotunda is four storeys high, and the top light enters the room through the north facing side window during the day and diffuses evenly, creating the same luminous effect with artificial lighting at night. According to the building function, we have adopted different design technique in each direction. Long transverse Windows on the south facade allow more light into the interior, east and west walls have an obvious effect on sun protection, the north side presents a kind of function doctrine composition according to the different requirements of the building function to daylighting.

▼光伏板与通透部分接近1:1的比例,The ratio of photovoltaic panels to transparent parts is close to 1:1 ©️ Rh+c


The wind


The building is built on stilts to avoid the obstruction of air circulation. The grey space on the ground floor ensures the permeability of the line of sight and shortens the distance between the activity space and nature. In spring, summer and autumn, the southeast wind blows into the overhead layer, enhancing the ventilation effect of the whole site; In winter, factories and greenery on the north side of the building block the cold north wind, Warm sunshine from the south side pours into the overhead layer, creating a comfortable local space.

▼建筑犹如漂浮的一个盒子,The building is like a floating box ©️ Rh+c

▼有节奏的拱廊,Rhythmic arcade ©️ Rh+c

▼景观渗透进架空层,Landscape penetrates into the overhead layer ©️ Rh+c


The light

在主动式太阳能设计策略中,我们优先使用了太阳能发电效率较高的光伏系统PV,采用能量储存和并网技术,提供清洁的可再生能源。南立面共使用了246 块PV 板,有三个平面角度可调,分别对应了上午、中午、下午不同的太阳入射角,可以让发电效率最大化;屋顶花园的廊架顶部共使用174 块PV 板,在发电的同时又满足了遮雨功能。整栋楼共使用了684 块PV 板,装机容量139.08KW。

In active solar design, we use photovoltaic systems with high efficiency of solar power generation, energy storage and common grid technology to provide clean and renewable energy. A total of 246 PV panels are used on the south facade, Three adjustable angles correspond to different solar incidence angles in the morning, noon and afternoon, respectively. It maximizes the efficiency of the generation. A total of 174 PV panels are used in the gallery of the roof garden, which can provide power generation and rain protection at the same time. The entire building USES 684 PV panels with an installed capacity of 139.08kW.

▼东西两侧的光伏板与建筑的夹角,The angle between the photovoltaic panels on the east and west sides and the building ©️ Rh+c

▼天井的引入,The introduction of the patio ©️ Rh+c

▼顶部自然光通过漫反射柔和地照亮整个中庭,The natural light from the top softly illuminates the entire atrium through diffuse reflection. ©️ Rh+c


The water

江南是水的故乡,这里河流纵横交错,池湖密布,基地南侧紧邻一条40 米宽的自然河道,在夏季,这些水系起到了一定的降温作用,把炙热的空气降低了一些温度,水分子通过开启窗进入室内,把房间内的热量带走。架空层的景观水池也可以改善局部小气候,给在室外灰空间走过或活动的人,营造一个更舒适的环境。

It is the hometown of water, where rivers crisscross, and lakes are densely distributed. South of the base is adjacent to a channel 40 meters wide, in summer, these water systems play a certain role in cooling down, and lowering the temperature of the hot air, Water molecules enter through a window,taking heat away. The landscape pool of stilt floor also improves the local climate, and create a more comfortable environment for people to walk through or move around in the outdoor grey space.

▼沿河远望建筑,Looking at the buildings along the river ©️ Rh+c

▼拱形空间,Vaulted Space ©️ Rh+c


The greening


The roof garden, the courtyard in the sky and the landscape on the ground form a new three-dimensional ecosystem,the roof garden is also an aerial part of the sponge city. In summer, the green roof absorbs and reflects a large proportion of solar radiation. The experiment shows that the maximum temperature difference between the exterior surface of the roof with green roof and the ordinary roof is 20-30℃, and the maximum temperature difference between the interior surface of the roof is about 4℃.With green roof, its indoor environment has been significantly improved and the air conditioning load is reduced. In winter, the green roof and soil increase the insulation effect and reduce energy consumption.

▼屋顶花园,Roof garden ©️ Rh+c

▼通往屋顶花园的玻璃连廊,Glass corridor leading to the roof garden ©️ Rh+c

▼屋顶花园的覆土,Roof garden cover ©️ Rh+c


Significance of the project

近100 年来,人类的发展给环境带来的影响超过了以往任何时期,人作为唯一有能力自主规划和影响环境的物种,必须对环境影响所产生的后果负责,我们深刻感触到建筑也是生态系统的一部分,建筑的生态性对环境有着深刻的影响。PV 和RC 都曾是各自领域最重要的发明之一,PV 遇到于RC,就好像给建筑插上了生态的翅膀,让建筑对环境的负荷进一步得到了降低。在本案的思考及建造过程中,我们希望尽自己的一份绵薄之力,能够在建筑的可持续发展方面,提出一点建设性的意见。

▼科技技术集成示意图,science and technology integration diagram ©️ NKO日兴设计

In the past 100 years, human development has brought more impacts on the environment than ever before. As the only species capable of autonomous planning and environmental impact, human beings must be responsible for the consequences of environmental impact. We deeply feel that architecture is also part of the ecosystem, and the ecology of architecture has a great impact on the environment. PV and RC were once the most important inventions in their respective fields. PV and RC are like adding ecological wings to buildings and reducing their load on the environment. In the process of thinking and construction of this case, we hope to do our part and put forward some constructive Suggestions on the sustainable development of the building.

▼通透的连廊穿过屋顶花园到达顶层报告厅,The transparent corridor passes through the roof garden to the top floor lecture hall ©️ Rh+c

▼楼梯沿圆形中庭拾级而上,The stairs lead up along the circular atrium ©️ Rh+c


Areas of innovation

太阳能光伏发电技术以及大量被动式节能手段的运用,降低能耗,保护环境。PV 遇到于RC,以独特的建筑语言诠释生态建筑。

The application of solar photovoltaic power generation technology and passive energy-saving means can reduce energy consumption and protect the environment. PV and RC interpret ecological architecture with unique architectural language.

▼光伏板采用了太阳跟踪系统,Photovoltaic panels use a sun tracking system ©️ Rh+c


Details of sustainable architecture


The application of natural ventilation, natural lighting and solar power generation, and roof garden technology reduces the dependence on non-renewable energy and reduces the damage to the environment.Natural ventilation and natural lighting provide people with a comfortable working environment.

▼屋顶光伏系统,Rooftop photovoltaic system ©️ Rh+c


Details of socially responsible architecture

伴随着以经济GDP 为发展目标的增长方式,城市也经历了“一年一个样,三年大变样”的速成过程,我们的生存环境却付出了前所未有的巨大代价:大气污染、CO2 排出聚增、水土污染、垃圾问题等等,生存环境受到了严重威胁。

With economic GDP as the way of urban development, the city is also experiencing an accelerated process, but our living environment has paid a huge price: air pollution, CO2 increase, soil and water pollution, garbage problem and so on, the living environment is seriously threatened.

▼光伏板既是发电组件,又成为建筑的有机构成要素,Photovoltaic panels ©️ Rh+c


This project fully respects the regional history, culture, customs, lifestyle and other cultural environment, absorbs the construction methods of local materials and materials, learn from “local” appropriate technology, use contemporary technology to improve and enhance, to achieve the contemporary expression of architecture.

▼总图,masterplan ©️ NKO日兴设计

▼一层平面图,1F plan ©️ NKO日兴设计

▼二层平面图,2F plan ©️ NKO日兴设计

▼三层平面图,3F plan ©️ NKO日兴设计

▼四层平面图,4F plan ©️ NKO日兴设计

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan ©️ NKO日兴设计

▼剖面图,section ©️ NKO日兴设计


Project name:Zhongli Electronics Eco Headquarters
Project type:architecture
Contact e-mail:nikko@nikkogroup.cn
Design year:2015
Completion Year:2017
Leader designer & Team:Wang Xingtian、Li Xianhui、Du Mingbo、Du Fucun、Xu Xinhui、He Jianxin、Li Jiwen、Zhang Yang、Shi Baitong、He Wei、Fan Rong、Chen Cixiang、Ma Feifei、Zhang Haijin、Pan Xifeng、Fan Juchang、Fan Juchang、Fu Bo、Chen Wei、Xia Xinfeng、Ni Zhenshan、Zhang Jian
Project location:near the Shajiabang Scenic Area in Changshu
Gross built area: 3168㎡
Photo credit: Rh+c
Clients:Jiangsu Zhongli Electronic Information Technology Co., Ltd.
