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海南能源交易大厦 / 姚仁喜|大元建筑工场

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2024-07-16 09:15




The Hainan Energy Trading Building stands proudly in Jiangdong New District, an emerging industrial, financial, and residential development on the outskirts of Haikou, capital of China’s Hainan province. The Yankuang Group, owner and occupier of the building, specializes in mining production and sales, high-end coal processing, and modern logistics, and the early entry of the firm’s headquarters in Jiangdong New District paves the way for other leading business to follow suit.

▼建筑概览,architecture overview © MLee Studio



The building is a floating box above a landscaped ground floor, and an impressive central courtyard greets visitors as they enter the atrium. The rigid lines of the exterior contrast with the sky gardens positioned at regular intervals—a blend of rigidity and softness that creates a harmonious whole, mirroring the fledgling district’s aim of combining existing site conditions with cutting-edge technology

▼错落有致的空中花园,sky gardens positioned at regular intervals © MLee Studio

▼空中花园夜景,sky gardens night view © MLee Studio


The sustainable design of this project goes hand-in-hand with Yankuang Group’s green-energy initiatives. Firstly, greenery is maximized with the exterior sky gardens as well as abundant planting in the interior. The sky gardens punch in opposing corners in an orderly fashion, occurring every four floors and rotating 90 degrees each time. Inside, multiple tiers of curving balconies span the spaces between the elevator boxes and these are densely packed with unruly plants that spill out over their edges. This is a nature-filled space, designed to provide employees with a sense of peace and well-being.

▼底层入口,ground floor entrance © MLee Studio

▼下沉广场,sunken square © MLee Studio

▼步行廊桥,suspended bridge © MLee Studio


Secondly, the courtyard creates a pleasant microclimate, made possible by an effective shading and stack ventilation strategies in the 75-meter-high atrium. Due to the differences in air pressure, temperature, and density levels at each floor, incoming fresh air forces stale air upward and out through the roof opening, keeping the interior well ventilated and thermally comfortable for its users.

▼中庭,central atrium © MLee Studio

通透的玻璃帷幕外墙提供绝佳视野,可一览海岸线与城市地景,同时展示了内部利落、纤细、但坚固的结构系统。设计利用巨大的斜撑传递承重,不仅保留空中花园的完整性,不被结构柱干扰,也支撑着花园上方量体约 14 米的悬臂,此做法将结构的侧向挠度降到最低,同时也加强其抗震性。

One particularly spectacular feature is the energy-efficient double skin façade design with high-transparent glass, which from the inside provides office workers with unobstructed views of the coast and downtown area, and from the outside proudly showcases the building’s structure—clean, slender, yet very robust. None of the pillars interrupts the spacious sky gardens that rotate every four levels, allowing the volume of the other four floors above to cantilever up to 14 meters. This is achieved through mega-bracings that minimize the lateral deflection of the structure, and provide a feasible solution for strengthening earthquake resistance.

▼玻璃幕墙提供绝佳视野,unobstructed views provided by glass facade © MLee Studio


Sufficient daylight pours through the double skin facade on all four sides, lowering the need for artificial lighting. The electric louvers between the inner and outer glass layers can be automatically adjusted by the sensors of the solar tracking system, which, together with the intelligent lighting control system, greatly increase the comfort of the indoor environment and reduce the use of air-conditioning system to reach energy-saving goals. In addition, the slanted roof and the offset facade at four-story intervals provide the sky gardens and the office spaces with ample natural light, while shading most of the corridors and atrium to prevent overheating in the warm Hainan climate. The roof also pays tribute to the traditional Jiangnan home, in which rain is designed to run down slanted planes on four sides and gather in a square courtyard below, signifying the flow and retention of good fortune into a family—or in this context, a company.

▼双层玻璃幕墙,double skin glass wall facade © MLee Studio

▼幕墙细部,facade detail © MLee Studio


These design strategies also greatly increase the sustainability of the building, making the Hainan Energy Trading Building a standout example in the world of green architecture.

▼夜景俯瞰,top view at night © MLee Studio

▼首层平面图,1F plan © KRIS YAO|ARTECH

▼标准层平面图,type plans © KRIS YAO|ARTECH

▼构造细部,details © KRIS YAO|ARTECH

案址:中国 海口
基地面积:11,295 m2
占地面积:4,647 m2
总建筑面积:65,726 m2
LEED等级: 金级
施工时间:2019.11 – 2022.06

Location: Haikou, China
Clients: Hainan Wisdom Center Construction And Development CO., LTD.
Design Architect: Kris Yao
 Shanghai: Xiao-Wen Bao, Chu-Yi Hsu, Fang Wang, Xiao-Lu Li, Wen-Hong Chu
 Taipei: Grace Lin, David Hsu, Lei Yeh, Kuo-Lung Lee, Kai-Wei Weng, Jing-Ying Su
Collaborative design institute: Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province
 Structure: Chuang Wei Structural Engineering inc.
 Landscape: Turen Design Institute Beijing
 Façade: Meinhardt (Shanghai) Ltd.
 Lighting: Brandston Partnership Inc.
Contractor: China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd.
Building Structure: Steel Structure
Exterior Materials: Ventilated Double Skin Glazed Curtain Wall, Aluminum Panels
Building Use: Corporate, Office, Retail
Floor Levels: 17 Floors above ground, 2 Floors below ground
Site Area: 11,295 m2
Lot Coverage Area: 4,647 m2
Gross Building Floor Area: 65,726 m2
LEED: Gold

Design Phase: 2019
Construction Phase: 2019.11 – 2022.06
Completion: 2022.06
