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  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2024-07-25 09:08



西班牙足球冠军记录保持者皇家马德里的主场——圣地亚哥-伯纳乌球场堪称是一个传奇。过去十年里,这座球场按照整体规划理念进行了改扩建,原本异质化的建筑结构被改造成了一座创新型多功能体育场。体育场的容量在目前约80000个席位的基础上增加了约3000个座位。在上层看台,一个新建的平台将提供 240 个贵宾和接待休息室以及1600多个额外的席位。大部分现有结构被保留下来,并用不锈钢百叶围合成一个新的整体幕墙。移动式球场草坪可以灵活替换为坚固的地面平台,用于举办体育赛事以外的其他活动。可开合的体育场屋顶便于灵活适应各种天气条件。世界巨星泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)于五月底在伯纳乌体育场举办了两场音乐会,这也是该多功能场馆的首次亮相。

It is an authentic legend: the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, home of Spanish soccer record-holder Real Madrid. The old Bernabéu’s disparate mix of architecture has been transformed into an innovative and versatile multifunctional arena. Over the past decade, the stadium has been remodeled and expanded according to a comprehensive master plan. The stadium’s prior capacity of approximately 80,000 seats will be increased by nearly 3,000 seats. Above the upper tiers, a new level with a total of 240 VIP and hospitality lounges will offer as many as 1,600 additional seats. This function was used for the first time by a world star: Taylor Swift played two concerts in the Bernabeu Stadium at the end of May – and inaugurated the now multifunctional arena indirectly.

▼项目概览,Overall view © Marcus Bredt

▼街景,street view© Marcus Bredt

▼街景,street view© Marcus Bredt

2014年,gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所与L35 Arquitectos建筑事务所以及里巴斯-里巴斯建筑事务所(Ribas & Ribas) 赢得了马德里圣地亚哥-伯纳乌球场改建设计竞赛一等奖。这座球场于 1947 年首次启用,多年来不断扩建和改建。现在的设计首次确立了一个连贯的整体概念,球场体量被一个连续的立面所覆盖,整合了多种功能,其中包括皇家马德里博物馆以及餐饮和零售区域。“空中走廊”在非赛事时间提供了游览球场的机会,使伯纳乌球场除本身用途之外也成为马德里市的一个旅游景点。

▼效果图,rendering © gmp

In 2014, the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp), together with L35 Arquitectos and Ribas & Ribas Arquitectos, won first prize in the competition to revamp the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu in Madrid. Since opening in 1947, the stadium has undergone various additions and renovations over the years. The new design establishes a coherent overall concept for the first time. The stadium’s bulk is wrapped by a continuous facade that unites a variety of functions, including the Real Madrid Museum and space for restaurants and retail. When the stadium is not hosting a match, a “skywalk” offers visitors a chance to explore the stadium, making the Bernabéu a public attraction in Madrid beyond its primary use.

▼改造前球场,stadium before the renovation © Marcus Bredt

▼改造前球场内部,stadium indoor space before the renovation© Marcus Bredt

▼改造前球场内部,stadium indoor space before the renovation© Marcus Bredt

改建工程是在不中断比赛的情况下进行的。在赢得竞赛并经过漫长的规划和审批阶段后,业主皇家马德里委托西班牙建筑公司 FCC 担任总承包商,于2019 年 6 月开始施工。疫情期间,皇家马德里的主场比赛在没有观众的情况下在训练中心进行,所以施工连续两年不会因比赛而中断。2023年5月屋顶结构完工后,俱乐部的主场比赛恢复到了施工中的体育场进行。

The transformation was carried out without interrupting the soccer schedule. After awarding the commission and following a lengthy planning and approval phase, the client, Real Madrid, appointed the Spanish construction company FCC as general contractor; construction work began in June 2019. Because Real Madrid’s home games during the coronavirus pandemic had to be played in their training center without spectators, work on the construction site was able to proceed uninterrupted for about two years. Upon completion of the roof structure in May 2023, the club’s home games returned to the stadium while construction continued.

▼改建工程,The transformation © Imagen Subliminal

▼立面细部,facade detail © Imagen Subliminal

▼改造后室内空间,indoor space after renovation© Imagen Subliminal

▼改造后室内空间,indoor space after renovation© Imagen Subliminal

体育场外壳的几何形状遵循了“找形”和 “定形”的原则,既考虑到功能性,又希望赋予体育场新的雕塑感。弧形不锈钢百叶赋予了伯纳乌球场全新的特征,彰显了这一马德里地标建筑的魅力。金属构件开放式的设置满足了体育场内部的自然通风。从远处看,金属结构如一颗闪闪发光的宝石融入到城市中,从不同视角反射日光。

The geometry of the outer shell follows the principles of form-finding and form-making, taking into account both functional considerations and a desire to give the stadium a new sculptural form. Curved stainless steel louvers give the Bernabéu a whole new character and emphasize its status as a Madrid landmark. The horizontal gaps between the metal slats allow for natural ventilation of the stadium’s interior. From a distance, the metal structure coalesces into a sparkling jewel that reflects daylight in myriad ways depending on one’s angle of view.

▼弧形不锈钢百叶,Curved stainless steel louvers© Imagen Subliminal

▼结构细部,structure detail © Imagen Subliminal

▼立面细部,facade detail © Marcus Bredt

▼平面图,plan © gmp

▼剖面图,section © gmp

▼鸟瞰效果图,rendering © gmp

▼室内效果图,rendering © gmp

建筑设计师:gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所以及L35 Arquitectos建筑事务所和里巴斯-里巴斯建筑事务所(Ribas & Ribas)
设计团队(Ribas & Ribas):何塞·里巴斯、因玛·里巴斯、阿德里安娜·里巴斯

Client: Real Madrid CF
Design: gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects, with L35 Arquitectos and Ribas & Ribas Arquitectos
Design for gmp: Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff with Markus Pfisterer
Project Lead for gmp: Martin Glass, Nikolai Reich, Sander Trost
Design Team for L35: Alejandro Barca, Ernesto Klingenberg, Alejandro Lorca, Tristán López-Chicheri
Design Team for Ribas & Ribas: José Ribas, Inma Ribas, Adriana Ribas
Design Team for gmp: Peter Axelsen, Holger Betz, Ruthie Gould, Martin Hakiel, Monika Kwiatkowski, Christian Möchl, Benjamin Moore, Katya Vangelova, Ignacio Zarrabeitia
Design planning Team for gmp: Florian Alles, Anastasia Appalonova, Sara Taberner Bonastre, Miguel Carro, Robert Essen, Alessio Fossati, Carlos Gomez, Sarah Lash, Roland Lipusz, Tomasso Mitti, Sonam Mohanani, Victor Pageo, Anastasia Popova, Paulino Poveda, Islam Sabee, Sebastian Seyfarth, Ana Tendeiro, Benedikt Wannenmacher, Marius Wiese, Ignacio Zarrabeitia
