
Integral high-order sliding modes

Integral high-order sliding modesModes,mode,modes,Mode,MODES
  • 大小:249 KB
  • 页码:17页
  • 浏览量:14
  • 时间:2014-03-04

Modes of wave-chaotic dielectric resonators

Modes of wave-chaotic dielectric resonators
  • 大小:990 KB
  • 页码:33页
  • 浏览量:8
  • 时间:2012-05-02

Seismology - Lecture 2 Normal modes and surface waves

Seismology - Lecture 2 Normal modes and surface waves
  • 大小:8.2 MB
  • 页码:60页
  • 浏览量:20
  • 时间:2012-04-12

Micro-tearing modes in the mega ampere spherical tokamak

Micro-tearing modes in the mega ampere spherical tokamak
  • 大小:359 KB
  • 页码:16页
  • 浏览量:20
  • 时间:2012-05-02

Tradeoff Between Horizontal and Vertical Modes of Transmission in ...

Tradeoff Between Horizontal and Vertical Modes of Transmission in ...Trad
  • 大小:799 KB
  • 页码:16页
  • 浏览量:5
  • 时间:2012-09-07

Cardio Theater xTV-FM Operation Modes Step 1 Selecting a

Cardio Theater xTV-FM Operation Modes Step 1 Selecting a
  • 大小:112 KB
  • 页码:2页
  • 浏览量:98
  • 时间:2011-05-04

Molecular vibrations and normal modes in -prolyl-glycyl-glycine

Molecular vibrations and normal modes in -prolyl-glycyl-glycine
  • 大小:379 KB
  • 页码:8页
  • 浏览量:15
  • 时间:2012-05-26

Coupling of plasmonic and optical cavity modes in quasi-three

Coupling of plasmonic and optical cavity modes in quasi-three
  • 大小:1.3 MB
  • 页码:7页
  • 浏览量:44
  • 时间:2012-06-02
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