Variants of the Selberg sieve, and bounded intervals containing many primes.pdf
PolymathResearch MathematicalSciences 2014, 1:12/content/1/1/12RESEARCH ART
Probability and Sampling Distribution, Confidence Intervals 概率抽样分布,置信区间.ppt
Probability and Sampling Distribution, Confidence Intervals 概率抽样分布,置信区间论文 总结 英语 资料 ppt 文档 免费阅读 免费分享,如需请下载!
small sample confidence intervals in log space back-transformed from normal space.pdf
small sample confidence intervals in log space back-transformed from normal space
201604.02067v2 Higher moments of arithmetic functions in short intervals - a geometric perspective.pdf
We study the geometry associated to the distribution of certain arithmetic functions, including the von Mangoldt function and the M\"obius function, in short intervals of polynomials over a finite field Fq. Using the Grothendieck-Lefschetz trace formula, we reinterpret each moment of these distributions as a point-counting problem on a highly singular complete intersection variety. We compute part of the ℓ-adic cohomology of these varieties, corresponding to an asymptotic bound on each moment for fixed degree n in the limit as q→∞. The results of this paper can be viewed as a geometric explanation for asymptotic results that can be proved using analytic number theory over function fields.
performance of bootstrap confidence intervals for l-moments and ratios of l-moments.pdf
performance of bootstrap confidence intervals for l-moments and ratios of l-moments
Primes in intervals of bounded length - Universit 233; de Montr 233;al.pdf
Primes in intervals of bounded length - Universit
kernel operators with variable intervals of integration in具有可变间隔的内核算子.pdf
kernel operators with variable intervals of integration in具有可变间隔的内核算子
ROCKET Ro bust C on dence Intervals via Ke ndall´s T au for….pdf
ROCKET:RobustConfidence Intervals via Kendall’s Taufor Transelliptical Graphical ModelsRina Foygel Ba
bayesian simultaneous intervals for small areas an application to mapping mortality rates in u.s. health service areas.pdf
bayesian simultaneous intervals for small areas an application to mapping mortality rates in u.s. health service areas

