using a modified julia set methodology to identify conditions for safe operability of a turbofan engine-论文.pdf
using a modified julia set methodology to identify conditions for safe operability of a turbofan engine-论文
polynomial lpv synthesis applied to turbofan engines.pdf
polynomial lpv synthesis applied to turbofan engines
lpv modeling of a turbofan engine.pdf
lpv modeling of a turbofan engine
linearization and identification of aircraft turbofan engine models.pdf
linearization and identification of aircraft turbofan engine models
a dynamic decoupling method for controlling high performance turbofan engines论文.pdf
a dynamic decoupling method for controlling high performance turbofan engines论文
Anti-disturbance reference mode resilient dynamic output feedback control for turbofan systems.pdf
Anti-disturbance reference mode resilient dynamic output feedback control for turbofan systems
Kernel extreme learning machine with iterative picking scheme for failure diagnosis of a turbofan engine.pdf
Kernel extreme learning machine with iterative picking scheme for failure diagnosis of a turbofan engine
Development of a Unique Icing Spray System for a New Facility for Certification of Large Turbofan Engines.pdf
Development of a Unique Icing Spray System for a New Facility for Certification of Large Turbofan EnginesDevelopment of a Unique Icing Spray System for a New Facility for Certification of Large Turbofan EnginesDevelopment of a Unique Icing Spray System for a New Facility for Certification of Large Turbofan Engines

