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2019北京世界园艺博览会植物馆 / URBANUS都市实践

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2019-08-20 09:15




▼建筑外观,exterior view

▼建筑南立面人视图,south facade

▼根须空间北侧,the north side of the dangling structure

▼透过建筑立面看内部温室空间,view to the greenhouse through the facade

The world horticultural exposition presented by the Bureau International des Expositions will be held in Yanqing District, Beijing, under the theme “Live Green, Live Better”. The Expo will feature a wide array of educational and interactive exhibits and will host a range of public events, thematic symposia and cultural performances. The emphasis will be on building a beautiful home while promoting harmonious coexistence between people and nature. The 2019 Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition is held at the International Horticultural Exposition Botanic Garden, YanQing District, Beijing, one of the four major pavilions in the city. The total area of the site is 39,000 ㎡, with 9,391 ㎡ above ground and a building height of 23.95 m. This public exhibition building is at its core a representation of a functional tropical greenhouse.

▼剖面图1,section 1


Unlike other greenhouses, the greenhouse of the Botanic Garden is hidden on the east side behind the waiting area and is characterized by a “rising horizon” structure. The dangling structure inside the grey space represents the abundant root systems of the plants. This mysterious design has a strong visual appeal for the audience. Meanwhile, it provides shade for the audience while they are waiting outdoors in the hot summer weather, making the otherwise tedious queuing experience full of curiosity and wonderment.

▼入口处灰空间内的排队空间,queue area in the grey space

▼灰空间内垂悬的“根须”隐喻着植物丰富的根系,the dangling structure inside the grey space represents the abundant root systems of the plants

▼根须空间细部,detailed view


Visitors begin in the Multimedia Exhibition Hall, enter the greenhouse, and finish by returning to the exhibition hall. This sequence reflects the curatorial theme of “The Incredible Intelligence of the Plant”, and it maximizes the enjoyment of the audience through various contexts.

▼首层平面图,plan level 1


The first stop is the Multimedia Exhibition Hall. The first scene is a lively restoration of a mangrove forest created by TeamLab. To provide the audience with an interactive and engaging experience with nature, TeamLab uses the most advanced interactive acousto-optic effects and an immersive exhibition.

▼首层多媒体红树林展厅,the Multimedia Exhibition Hall

▼前厅上空的旋转楼梯,the spiral staircase in the front hall

▼上屋面的旋转楼梯,stair leading to the roof

▼楼梯局部,staircase partial view


The route from the exhibition hall to the greenhouse includes a demonstration of mangrove tidal variations, followed by a series of thematic installations. The audience can closely experience the life of plants, such as their reproduction, survival, defense, and cross-pollination. Following along the path that circles upwards, the audience will be directed to closely observe the plants, from the roots to the top.

▼温室内部空间,interior view of the greenhouse

▼温室内空中步道,the elevated path in the greenhouse

▼温室内空中步道及屋顶ETFE采光顶,the route is covered by a huge ETFE daylighting roof


The major route passes through the treetops, bringing the audience back to the indoor exhibition hall. The path continues to circle up until reaching the top floor of the building, where the audience will find a bookstore, gift shop, and cafe. On the rooftop, visitors can experience a panoramic view of the entire park. This also provides a dramatic view of the Guishui River and Haituo Mountain as well as an overlook back to the greenhouse from a different perspective.

▼屋顶书店及平台,bookstore and roof terrace


A tourist attraction point located on the rooftop is a sculpture of giraffes called “Molly and her family”. The sculpture was designed by James Doran-Webb and is made of Molave wood. Following the steps down brings the audience to a lighting show depicting the process of photosynthesis. The show presents the entire growth process of the mangrove from a seed to a tree and its relationship with its environment. It is designed to remind people that human society depends on plants and that people should treasure and protect nature.

▼屋顶的长颈鹿艺术装置,the sculpture “Molly and her family” on the rooftop

▼灯光秀,lighting show


During the 2019 expo, the Multimedia Exhibition Hall will not only be used for networking, lectures, and leisure activities. It also includes an arrangement of special exhibitions in collaboration with the Royal Botanical Garden in Britain. The exhibition will show special collections of Chinese paintings to promote public interest and curiosity in this field.

▼主题展厅,exhibition hall

▼夕阳下的入口灰空间,the grey space in the sunset

▼人性化的遮荫场所,a sheltered place for people to stay

▼场地平面图,site plan

▼剖面图2,section 2

地点:北京延庆 2019世界园艺博览会园区内
摄影:杨超英 夏至
合作公司:北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司EA4 设计所(建筑施工图)、
荷捷建筑顾问(北京)有限公司/ H&J International, PC(结构顾问)、
OFFICE MA(景观设计)、英海特工程咨询(北京)有限公司(幕墙设计)、
UNITED DESIGN LAB 联合设计实验室(视觉形象设计)、
teamLab Inc.、北京夏德岛科技有限公司、山海亮(北京)设计顾问有限公司(展厅设计)
