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BBC Studios创意展馆,戛纳 / Giles Miller Studio

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2019-11-20 09:24



BBC Studios在2019年MIPCOM(戛纳秋季影视片交易会)上推出了他们极富创意的全新展馆。该展馆由一支来自英国的获奖团队打造,可回收的立面覆盖了两个楼层,包括灵活的工作和接待空间,能够满足BBC Studios不断增长的业务需求。

BBC Studios unveils its innovative new stand, produced by a British award-winning team, at MIPCOM 2019, the annual TV trade market in Cannes. The structure, with its recyclable façade comprising of two floors of flexible work and hospitality spaces, meets the growing needs of BBC Studios.

▼项目概览,overview © Charles Hosea 

▼伫立在戛纳海滨的全新展馆,a brand new pavilion on the shores of cannes © Charles Hosea 

位于克罗伊塞特18号的展厅标志着BBC Studios改变了过去20年的传统,首次将商业空间从Palais(影节宫)现场转移到了Mipcom。随着来自世界各地的销售主管以及制作团队和人才的到来,这座建筑将使公司能够在为期四天的交易会上举办多个商务会议和活动。

The stand at Croisette 18 marks BBC Studios’ first new business space at Mipcom in 20 years having previously been based in the Palais venue. With sales executives descending from all over the world along with production teams and talent, the building will enable the company to host multiple business meetings and events across the four-day market.

▼Mipcom现场汇聚了世界各地的参展商,mipcom brings together exhibitors from all over the world © Cheerful Twentyfirst

展厅的内外部结构均由顶级专家们合作打造,并已得到充分的商业资助,可以被运输到世界各地进行安装使用。让人叹为观止的外立面由Giles Miller Studio设计,他们特别采用了可回收生铝以控制建筑物的光线和透明度。

A creative collaboration of top experts in interior and exterior design and production, the structure which has been fully funded commercially, can be shipped and installed anywhere in the world. The stunning external façade, designed by Giles Miller Studio, is composed of fully recyclable raw aluminium specifically engineered to control the light and transparency of the building.

▼可回收生铝的使用能够控制建筑物的光线和透明度,the use of recycled raw aluminum controls the light and transparency of the building © Cheerful Twentyfirst

▼让人叹为观止的外立面,the stunning external façade © Cheerful Twentyfirst

受BBC Studios的委托,Cheerful Twentyfirst负责了这次项目的创意总体项目方向。这是一家屡获殊荣的伦敦创意机构,之前的客户包括维珍、迪斯尼和微软等。项目的创意指导是艾美奖获得者Christine Losecaat,她被任命为英国创意产业服务的MBE。 Universal Design Studio与常驻约克郡的Stage One为室内的建造和细节设计提供了许多创意。

Commissioned by BBC Studios, the idea origination and overall project direction for the build came from Cheerful Twentyfirst, an award-winning London based agency whose previous clients include Virgin, Disney and Microsoft amongst others. Providing creative direction was Christine Losecaat, an Emmy® award winner who was appointed MBE for services to the creative industries in the UK. Universal Design Studio were the creatives for the interiors with Yorkshire based Stage One delivering construction and detailed design.

▼展馆远景,distant view © Edvinas Bruzas 

▼立面上的BBC标志,the BBC logo on the facade © Edvinas Bruzas 

▼立面细部,details of the facades © Edvinas Bruzas 

▼生铝的排布方式使得光能够从缝隙中透进室内,the raw aluminum is arranged in such a way that light can penetrate through the cracks in the room © Edvinas Bruzas 

▼富有层次感的立面,a layered facade © Edvinas Bruzas 

两年前,BBC制作部门与BBC环球公司合并成为BBC Studios,业务规模和范围也因此扩大了一倍。BBC Studios是英国最大的电视内容制作商,也是美国以外最大的电视节目国际分销商,在Mipcom拥有大量业务。该公司最近获得了UKTV与多家英国顶级独立制片人伙伴带来的2.43亿英镑利润,以补充BBC的执照许可费。

Two years ago, the BBC’s production arm merged with BBC Worldwide to become BBC Studios, doubling the size and scope of the business. BBC Studios, as the biggest producer of TV content in the UK as well as the biggest international distributor of TV programming outside of the US, has a major presence at Mipcom. The company, who recently acquired UKTV and partners with a number of top UK independent producers, returned £243m (2018/2019) to the BBC Group complementing the BBC’s license fee.

▼展馆入口,the entrance © Edvinas Bruzas 

▼不同视角下的立面,elevation from different perspectives © Edvinas Bruzas 

“这个展馆传递给了BBC Studios一种颇具英国创造力的品牌价值,呈现了作为客户体验核心的绝佳内容。” BBC Studios 创意执行总监Nick Meikle说。

“The Pavilion delivers to the BBC Studios brand values of bold British creativity. With our incredible content at the heart of the customer experience” Nick Meikle, Executive Creative Director, BBC Studios Creative

▼展馆内的灯光带给了立面别样的风格,the lighting in the pavilion gives the facade a different style © Cheerful Twentyfirst

▼展馆内部,inside the pavilion © Cheerful Twentyfirst

“从一开始, BBC Studios就与我们有着共同的愿景和抱负。如此大规模的项目需要合作双方在交付过程中建立密切的伙伴关系和信任。能与我们独特的合作专家团队Christine Losecaat MBE, Giles Miller Studio, Universal Design Studio和Stage One一起打造这个独一无二且创意非凡的项目,我们感到十分自豪。”Cheerful Twentyfirst的CEO Steve Quah评论道。

“From the outset of the brief, it was clear that BBC Studios and Cheerful Twentyfirst had a shared sense of vision and ambition. A project of this huge scale requires a close partnership and trust in delivery. Together with our unique team of collaborative experts – Christine Losecaat MBE, Giles Miller Studio, Universal Design Studio and Stage One – we are proud to deliver a truly unique and exceptional creative project, one that fulfills all our wildest imaginations” Steve Quah, CEO, Cheerful Twentyfirst, Lead Agency

▼夜幕下的展馆,pavilion under night © Cheerful Twentyfirst

Lead Agency and Overall Project Direction: Cheerful Twentyfirst–Steve Quah, CEO 
Creative Direction: Christine Losecaat MBE 
Design Lead and Interiors: Universal Design Studio 
Sculptural Facade: Giles Miller Studio 
Construction and Detailed Design: Stage One
