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民生轮渡站,上海 / 刘宇扬建筑事务所

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2020-02-25 09:32



民生轮渡站位于民生路东端,北临黄浦江, 西侧连接新华绿地,东侧通过慧民桥连接入民生艺术码头。作为联系浦江两岸的水上交通基础设施,同时也是东西两侧滨江贯通的重要景观节点, 整体设计将建筑融入周边景观,并通过上下层功能分离的设计策略,将出入轮渡站的人流同滨江三道慢行道合理分流。 建筑共分二层,一层主要为轮渡站候船厅及站务用房,主要流线为南北向,二层为配套设施可服务周边贯通道,提供便民设施。建筑高度9米,上部为覆盖金属网的景观构筑物, 建筑面积为363平米,结合夜景灯光变化成为独特地标建筑。

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©章勇


▼鸟瞰,轮渡站与贯通桥相连相通,aerial view, Ferry Station connect with the Bridge ©章勇


The Minsheng Ferry Terminal is located at southern Minsheng Rd, south to Huangpu River and east to Xinhua Greenland. The site can be accessed from Minsheng Wharf Waterfront through Huimin Bridge. As an infrastructure which connects river transportation between the two coasts and an important landscape intersection along Huangpu River, the design integrates architecture into the surrounding environment as a whole while separating human and traffic flow through two levels of different functions. The architecture is divided into two floors: the first floor serves as waiting zones and ticketing areas which open in a south-north direction, while the second floor serves as serving zones and public connection spaces. In total 9 meters tall and 590 square meters large, the building is covered by metal wiring on the top as landscape installations which render the architecture monumental at night through various lighting techniques.

▼自陆地向水岸鸟瞰,aerial view from Land to Water ©章勇


▼轮渡站为东岸工程西段重要节点,the Ferry Station is an important joint for the east bank renovation project ©章勇


▼轮渡站登船通道,boarding channel of the Ferry Station ©章勇


一层轮渡站大厅为南北向开敞,并设置天窗,为狭长的空间带来自然光线。大厅西侧布置站务用房以及可以对外开放使用的公共厕所。 一层层高5.5米,整体都位于漫步道平台下方。

The first floor terminal lobby is opened towards south and north with skylights to bring natural lighting to the narrow space underneath. Ticketing and public restroom are placed towards the west. The lobby, 5.5 meters tall, locates entirely underneath the strolling platform.

▼轮渡站一层近景,closer view to the first floor of the Ferry Station ©章勇

▼一层交通与停车空间,transportation area on the first floor ©章勇

▼圆形天窗下的一层空间,first floor area under round skylight ©章勇

▼一层售票厅,ticket hall on the first floor ©章勇

▼连接二层的楼梯,staircase connected to the second floor ©章勇

二层服务用房位于贯通道北侧,并具有良好的江景视野 。立面采用玻璃砖,清水混凝土,水洗石墙面等材料和周边景观相呼应。顶部构筑物采用钢构架及金属丝网,配合灵动活泼的几何造型,成为慧民桥西端的重要节点,搭配爬藤绿植提供遮阳的休息空间。

The second floor serving areas are located north of the connecting roads with a great view towards Huangpu River. The facade utilizes glass blocks, situ-concrete and pebbledash to echo with the surrounding urban environment. The ceiling utilizes structural steel and metal wiring to create a light and fascinating geometrical form as an important intersection at western Huimin Bridge; while vines and vegetation provides shade to the space, it can also be used as a green-scape and resting area.

▼从贯通连桥看轮渡站,view to the Ferry Station from the bridge  ©章勇

▼从连桥可以到轮渡站二层,the bridge connects to the second floor of the Ferry Station ©章勇


▼跑道与骑行道贯通二层,jogging track and cycling trail run though the second floor ©章勇


▼从二层平台看云亭,view to the landscape installation from the second floor platform ©章勇

▼设有云亭的二层平台,second floor platform with a landscape installation ©章勇


民生轮渡站及其周边的公共开放空间,在承载基础设施的交通功能同时, 也为滨江游憩提供多元的游赏体验。

Providing transportation across the bridge, Minsheng Ferry Terminal along with its surrounding public spaces bring various visiting experiences to the waterfront landscape.

▼进行不同运动的游人总平台上经过,people doing different activities go though the platform ©章勇






▼从平台看向江景,view to the Huangpu River from the platform ©章勇

▼平台夜景,night view of the platform ©章勇


▼总平面图,master plan ©Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects

▼立面图,elevations ©Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects

▼云台立面图,elevations of the landscape installation ©Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects

▼云台钢构架轴测图,steel structure axonometric of the landscape installation ©Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects

项目规模: 363平方米
水工及施工图设计:上海中交水运设计研究有限公司 上海东方建筑设计研究院有限公司
主要材料: 水洗石,钢筋混凝土,钢结构,不锈钢金属网,玻璃
项目造价: 590万(含水工)

Project Name: Minsheng Ferry Station
Location: Pudong District, Shanghai
Type:  Transportation Infrastructure
Scale: 363m2
Design Stage: 2016-2018
Construction Stage: 2017-2019
Design: Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects
Design Principal: Liu Yuyang
Project Leader/Project Architect: Wang Jue
Design Team: Chen Zhuoran, Chen Han, He Yining, Wu Yapig, Xue Haiqi
Site Architect: Wang Jue
Client: Shanghai East Bund Investment (Group) Co., Ltd
Structure Consultant: Structure AND Architecture OFFICE
LDI& Structure: Shanghai China Communications Water Transportation Design& Research co.,Ltd,
 Shanghai Oriental architectural design and research institute co. LTD
Contractor: Shanghai Hydraulic Engineering Group Co.,Ltd, Shanghai
Cost: 5,200,000 RMB
Photography: Zhang Yong
