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宁波市江北区甬江实验学校 / DC国际 · c+d 设计研究中心

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2020-03-25 10:02



序 | Preface

甬江实验学校位于宁波市江北区是一所54班九年一贯制学校, 学校东至梅竹路,南至聚兴西路,西至石台路,北至徐江岸路,总用地面积约34484㎡,总建筑面积约29500㎡。

Yongjiang Experimental School is a nine-year school with 54 classes. The school is located in Jiangbei District, Ningbo City and connects Meizhu Road to the east, Juxing West Road to the south, Shitai Road to the west, and Xujiang‘an Road to the north. It covers a site area of 34484㎡with floor area of 28417.83㎡.

▼西北角鸟瞰,west-north aerial view ©夏至

▼东侧鸟瞰,east aerial view ©夏至


空间模式 | Spatial Mode


Under the backdrop of quality education, the purpose of school teaching is not only to spread knowledge and dispel doubts, but more importantly to stimulate students’ interest in learning so that they can enjoy learning.   Therefore, the relatively independent teaching space with single-function in traditional education can no longer meet the integrated space needs of current education that increasingly emphasizes on discipline integration, ecology and experience. Based on this thought, the spatial concept mode of “Enjoyable Courtyard” is proposed.

▼“乐学大院”的空间概念模式,the spatial concept mode of “Enjoyable Courtyard” ©行知影像

▼室外小剧场,outdoor small theater ©行知影像


In a word, “Enjoyable Courtyard” means that the campus is both a “place to learn” and a “place to enjoy”. It can help students to better acquire knowledge from the classroom, and at the same time, enrich students’ activities both in and out of class through providing flexible and diverse function settings and multi-dimensional space design, like a learning complex, to encourage students to interact with each other and familiarize them with social life.

▼操场视角,view from playground ©行知影像


From the perspective of architectural space, the ” Enjoyable Courtyard ” mode carry out two important conditions: The first is the enclosure of “independent world” which can avoid outsider interference. This enclosure space can generate sense of stability and then deliver the sense of belonging. The second is the maximum publicity, which enables maximizing sharing of teaching resources and expanding campus activity space to stimulate campus vitality. The courtyard approach in this case is to arrange the building’s functional entities at the boundary of the site to accomplish the maximum public area in this courtyard. This mode is similar to WeiQi (A kind of Chinese traditional chess) in that it encloses the largest area of public space with the least building functional entities.

▼顶视,top view ©夏至


总体布局 | Overall Layout

教学活动区域,是由以教室及行政办公等用房围合成的“大院”,形成了以学生活动为主的内向型空间。南侧沿聚兴西路为低年级教室。北侧沿规划道路西侧为高年级教室, 东侧为行政办公用房。西侧沿石台路为专用教室。这样既分隔了高低年级教室,又在高低年级教室间起到联系的作用。教师办公空间布置原则是靠近各年级教室布置, 方便“教”与“学”直接的联系。

▼功能布局示意 ,Functional layout diagram ©DC国际

The teaching area is a “courtyard” enclosed by classrooms and administrative offices, forming an introverted space mainly for student activities. The lower grade classroom is along Juxing West Road on the south side. On the north, there are higher grade classrooms along the west side of the planned road, and on the east side are administrative office buildings. The west side is special classrooms along Shitai Road. This can not only separate the higher and lower grade classrooms, but also serve as a link between them. The principle of the layout is to make teachers’ office close to the classrooms of all grades, which can facilitate the direct connection between “teaching” and “learning”.

▼内院一层视角,inner courtyard ground floor ©行知影像

▼内院檐下空间,inner courtyard- the sheltered space ©高盘

▼内院二层视角,inner courtyard second floor view ©夏至

通过在“大院”中置入大体量公共空间,从而形成以公共空间为核心的校园空间模式。体育活动室置于“大院”内部东侧, 靠近体育活动区,并结合形体设置面向跑道的主席台。图书馆布置在“大院”内部西侧, 与体育活动室形成东西向的轴线关系。报告厅与合班教室分别布置在院内西南、西北以及东南方位。食堂设置于东北角下风口。各公共空间之间及教学用房间通过连廊便捷联系。并且将原来的一个大院分成一大院+四小院,共五个生态院落,避免了“院大而无物,”同时也丰富了空间的层次。

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©DC国际

A large amount of public space is placed in the “Courtyard” to form a campus space mode with public space as its core. The sports activity room, close to the sports activity area, is placed on the east side of the “Courtyard”, and a platform facing the runway set in combination with the shape. The library is arranged on the west side of the “Courtyard” and forms an east-west axis relationship with the sports room. The lecture hall and mixed classrooms are arranged in the southwest, northwest, and southeast, respectively. The canteen is located at the downwind of the northeast corner. The public space and teaching rooms are easily connected through the corridor, dividing the space into “one big courtyard + four small yards” to avoid the situation of courtyard’s large scale and hollowness and enrich the space dimension.

▼以公共空间为核心的校园空间模式,a campus space mode with public space as its core ©夏至

▼二层活动平台,second floor active platform ©夏至


The “Courtyard” makes concessions on four sides, with the main entrances for the lower and higher grades on the north and south sides, and the auxiliary entrances and gymnasium stands on the east and west sides, respectively. At the same time, in order to solve the sense of closure that the enclosed space may bring, the underlying overhead is used to reduce building’s volume and four corners and four sides of the building are opened to face the city, which can also satisfy the public service space demands, such as pick-up, parking of motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles.

▼沿体育场人视,stadium rendering base on human’s eye ©高盘

▼体育馆,stadium  ©行知影像

▼二层活动平台,terrace of the second floor ©行知影像


“折纸”立面 | “Origami” Façade

立面设计同样围绕“乐”的概念展开,以一场折纸的游戏演绎生成,首先将“纸带”旋转压叠,以不同颜色区分内外面,形成自内向外翻折效果,同时将“纸带”沿建筑四周折在四个外立面上,形成一气呵成的整体立面效果。 大院的内立面采用了同样的手法折成,并奖室外的楼梯统一在“折纸”体系之中,形成了整体、丰富、有趣的效果。折纸立面赋予了学校以灵动活泼的形象,也创造了时尚优雅的城市界面。

▼折纸”概念示意,the concept of origami ©DC国际

The façade design is also based on the concept of “enjoyment”, which is generated by the interpretation of an origami game. First, the “paper tape” is rotated and stacked to distinguish the inside and the outside with different colors to form a folding effect from the inside to the outside, and then folds along the four façades along the perimeter of the building, forming an integrated and smooth façade effect. The façade of the inner courtyard is folded in the same way, and the outdoor stairs are unified in the “origami” system, forming a holistic, rich and interesting effect. The origami façade gives the school a dynamic and lively image, and also creates a stylish and elegant city interface.

▼内院 “折纸”立面,façade of the inner courtyard ©夏至

▼内院立面日景,inner courtyard daytime view  ©行知影像

▼内院立面局部,façade detailed view ©高盘


绿色建筑 | Green Building


Yongjiang Experimental School has adopted a series of green building technologies such as solar power generation systems, rainwater recycling systems, roof greening systems and water permeable ground. At the same time, insulation materials, which selected for the building’s external walls, overhead floors and roofs, can not only meet the function and image requirements, but also achieve energy conservation, environmental protection, and sustainable development.

▼内院景观,inner courtyard landscape ©行知影像


材料参数说明 | Material Description


Materials for wall: Ceramsite concrete composite block 200mm, Inorganic lightweight aggregate insulation mortar type C, Stilt floor and overhanging plates: Mineral wool felt plate 35mm. Roof: XPS 100mm B1.Window: Low-E

▼架空走廊,the elevated corridor ©高盘

▼廊下空间,corridor space ©高盘

▼细部节点,detail joints ©高盘


尾声:“乐学其中,内外兼表” | The Epilogue: “Enjoy learning both inside and outside”


When the project was officially opened, we also learned that Yongjiang Experimental School, inspired by the design concept of “Enjoyment Courtyard”, adjusted its curriculum concept on the premise of complying with the national curriculum provision and subject attributes. The curriculum is designed in four categories: “Morality and Health, Language and Reading, Science and Technology, and Art and Aesthetics”, hoping that it will reflect the common values shared by all the curriculum and facilitate integration of curriculums with great difference so that the concept of “Enjoy Learning” can really penetrate both inside and outside the Yongjiang Experimental School.

▼操场视角,view from playground ©行知影像


This is exactly what we have always believed in——Designing a school is not only to build a physical architectural space, but also to create a place to stimulate a new exploration of education methods and organizational models.

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©DC国际

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©DC国际

▼立面图,elevations ©DC国际

▼剖面图,sections ©DC国际

设计方:DC国际 · c+d 设计研究中心
项目设计 & 完成年份:2016-2018

Project name: Yongjiang Experimental School, Jiangbei District, Ningbo
Design: DC ALLIANCE · c+d Design Reserch Center
Website: www.dccd.com.cn  
Contact e-mail: dc@dccd.com.cn
Design year & Completion Year: 2016-2018
Leader designer & Team: Dong Yi, Gao Pan, He Weiwei, Zhang Jia, Xiao Rong, Hou Jiawei
Project location: Road Intersection of West Juxing Road and Meizhu Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo, China 
Gross Built Area (square meters): 29500 sqm
Photo credits: Xing Zhi Ying Xiang,Xia Zhi,Gao Pan
Brands / Products:
Aluminum Plate: ALCOSUPER; Coating: Nippon Paint; Tiles: Xin Zhong Yuan Ceramics; Perforated Aluminum Plate: Ji Xiang Facade 
