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建瓯一中两馆,福建 / 天华建筑创作工作室

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2021-01-20 09:15





THDL Jixin team has released their recent work, the gymnasium and swimming pool of Fujian Jian’ou First High School.

▼建瓯一中体育馆,the gymnasium of Jian’ou First High School ©季欣


▼游泳馆,the natatorium ©甄琦


The gymnasium and swimming pool of Fujian Jian’ou First High School are located in the north of Jian’ou City, Fujian Province, which are donated by Mr. Lin Zhong, Chairman of CIFI Group, in order to repay his alma mater. The two buildings are located at the end of the axis of the new campus, also at the foot of Tianhu Mountain, with beautiful surroundings. It is not only a visual focal point after entering the campus, but also a place for students’ daily activities, as well as a transition space between the sports playground and the mountain landscape. The two buildings are named after the parents of Lin Zhong, which also give a special context for enhancing students’ sense of belongings and honor.

▼鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view ©甄琦


The two buildings include a gymnasium with a 150-meter track, which can accommodate up to 3000 people, and a swimming pool with a 50m*25m standard pool. As a standard component of the high school, finding a design focal point that all parties could agree on became the core of the design.

▼体育馆和游泳馆内部,gymnasium and swimming pool – interior view ©季欣


The building takes two leaves as the basic form, and the meaning of “opening of branches and scattering of leaves” symbolizes Lin Zhong’s poetic feelings of returning to his alma mater.

▼设计概念,design concept © THDL

▼建筑生成示意,diagram- generation © THDL

▼两片叶子作为建筑的基本形态,the building takes two leaves as the basic form ©季欣


The intersection of the campus axis and the athletic field axis is the first and foremost problem needs to solve. The curvature of the building could direct students to the playground during the limited break time, while balancing the need for a ritual feeling of the campus axis. This manipulation brought a series of chemical reactions. The outer boundaries of the two pavilions needed to be twisted constantly to achieve a balance between entrance, interior use and other elements.

▼建筑和校园轴线,the campus axis ©季欣

▼建筑和操场轴线,the athletic field axis ©季欣


At this point, the design of steel roof structures intervenes. The long-span truss system of the steel structure needs to match its structural performance, so symmetry is a preference. At the same time, the steel structure also needs to match this asymmetrical functional profile of the building. In the process of balancing these two forces, the contours of the roof became clearer.

▼结构拆解图 & 模型,axon exploded & model © THDL

▼仰视屋顶,view up to the roof ©季欣

▼屋顶钢结构,steel roof structures ©季欣


▼围护系统示意,diagram – wall detail © THDL

The final proposal of the two buildings is intentionally differentiated in terms of structural system and tectonic logic. The gymnasium has a steel roof supported by concrete columns. The concrete columns are integrated into the envelope system and also serve as structural support for the cantilevered walls. The swimming pool uses structural steel columns to support the roof, which are detached from the envelope system. On the outside of the gymnasium, thinner decorative steel columns are added to echo the structure form of the swimming pool. The sectional form of the roof steel trusses system is also intentionally differentiated. The gymnasium expressed by thin eaves, while the swimming pool is edged with greater thickness due to eave limitations. The two roofs partially overlap, providing covered access between the two buildings. The result of these architectural operations is an interwoven form that not only provides a reasonable division and unification of functions from the building itself, but also alludes to the warmth of Lin Zhong’s parents cuddling each other.

▼两个屋顶在空间上局部重叠,为两馆之间的通路提供了有顶的场所 ©季欣
the two roofs partially overlap, providing covered access between the two buildings

▼游泳馆入口细节,natatorium entrance detail ©季欣

▼体育馆外侧则增加更细的钢装饰柱,thinner decorative steel columns are added on the outside of the gymnasium ©季欣


Solutions from multiple design dimensions meet here, which happens to be an optimal proposal. At this time, the design achieves a balance between form and function. The shape of the two leaves properly covers the problems that should be solved in architecture, making the form design and functional requirements complement each other.

▼外墙细节,exterior detailed view ©季欣


▼参数化立面设计,Parametric Facade Design © THDL

▼立面设计-砖墙分析,Facade Design – Brick Analysis © THDL

▼渐变的立面也试图在模拟一种风吹树叶的动感意境 ©季欣
the gradient façade attempts to simulate the dynamic feeling of leaves blowing in the wind

We used local bricks and parametric digital design to create a gradient effect from bottom to top on the façade of the gymnasium and swimming pool. On the one hand, the tall solid walls need to be visually softened by the changing materials, while on the other hand, the gradient façade attempts to simulate the dynamic feeling of leaves blowing in the wind. By dividing the façade into a grid of warp and weft, we divided each curved surface into 90 parts, directing and controlling the construction of the façade, and achieving a parametric expression under limited construction conditions.

▼体育馆外立面,façade of the gymnasium ©季欣

▼立面细节,facade detailed view ©季欣

▼体育馆夜景,gymnasium night view  ©甄琦


In the context of use, an unexpected sense of community is created in unexpected places in two buildings. Students stay in small spaces created by the buildings and the campus environment, which become a unique scenery. We look back on these uses and see that the value of design is not just the realization of a grand idea, but also the different experiences by each user. Looking back at the entire design process, it was the adequate design of the architectural implications that allowed for the realization of a diverse campus micro-environment and deepened the expression of campus culture.

▼校园中的建筑,building in the campus ©季欣

▼总平面图,site plan © THDL

▼体育馆立面图,gymnasium elevations © THDL

▼体育馆短剖面图,natatorium short section © THDL

▼游泳馆立面和剖面图,natatorium elevations and sections © THDL

▼游泳馆短剖面图,gymnasium short section © THDL

项目设计 & 完成年份
景观设计:Lab D+H

