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奥体万科中心,杭州 / LWK + PARTNERS

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2021-04-30 09:12



未来办公的面貌正在不断重塑。由 LWK + PARTNERS 设计的杭州奥体万科中心作为一个创新办公枢纽,不但透彻回应混合办公模式的未来趋势,更挑战传统办公空间的一贯做法,将人们活动范围往户外延伸,结合半户外空间的特性,创造流动而通透的空间新体验。

The future of work is constantly being reimagined. Aoti Vanke Centre, an innovative working hub in Hangzhou, China designed by LWK + PARTNERS, embraces the hybrid mode as the way forward and challenges conventional workspaces by externalising human activities to a fluid and highly permeable field of semi-outdoor space.

external view of the project ©LWK + PARTNERS

建筑设计重新演绎了 “裙楼+塔楼” 建筑,不但将裙楼从地面升高,更对每层进行不同程度的旋转,做出各式各样的步行空间。近年可持续设计和空间互动的概念继续演进,而疫情令其发展增速进行。奥体万科中心透过精心布局功能及景观空间,模糊工作与生活边界,布局新世代的智慧城市生活模式,鼓励互动交流,创造可持续发展价值。

This sleek new office complex reinterprets the podium-tower typology with each level of its elevated podium rotated by a different degree to create myriad walk spaces for people’s enjoyment. At a time when COVID-19 has accelerated shifting trends in sustainable design and spatial relations, the programmatic stack blurs the work-life distinction and lends itself towards a smarter urban lifestyle for the next generation, promoting interactions, active engagement and sustainability.

generation diagram ©LWK + PARTNERS


A smart business and lifestyle community


Located at the heart of Qianjiang Century City central business district, Aoti Vanke Centre is made up of two office towers and a podium, perceived as the gateway of the emerging Asian Games Village of Hangzhou.

aerial view of the project as the gateway of the Asian Games Village ©LWK + PARTNERS


The taller T1 houses corporate tenants, while the shorter T2 features co-working space for start-ups and micro-entrepreneurs. The towers are rotated to maximise natural sunlight and views to the new commercial core by the Qiantang River.

external view of the project along the street ©LWK + PARTNERS


The ring-shaped podium is lifted off the ground to create a central courtyard, while the semi-public podium roof garden serves as a bridge between the two towers, promoting symbiosis and creating networking occasions for building users. It also allows the passing through of a double-height covered outdoor space, as well as providing a north-south shortcut across the longitudinal site. This operative subdivision of the lot brings down the development to a human scale, experienced and enjoyed by the building users and pedestrians at large.

ring-shaped podium lifted off the ground ©LWK + PARTNERS

semi-public open garden providing space for social ©LWK + PARTNERS


LWK + PARTNERS 董事及项目主创建筑师张家豪表示: “这个项目是一个很好的机会,让我们重新思考人与人之间的协作关系,以及如何与工作场所有更强的互动和连系。疫情尤其突显了实体环境对健康和生产力的影响,我希望奥体万科中心能给予人们多一些空间,思考和探索他们想要什么样的生活环境。”

“The project is an opportunity to rethink the ways we collaborate with one another and connect with the workspace,” noted Ferdinand Cheung, LWK + PARTNERS Director and Principal Architect of the project, “The pandemic has highlighted the impact the physical environment has on our wellbeing and productivity, so I hope Aoti Vanke Centre creates space for people to take stock and discover what works best for them.”


Heart of nature


The project disrupts the established norm in office architecture that the prime central spot should be occupied by tower lobbies. Instead, at Aoti, the lobbies take a step back from the forefront and the central courtyard doubles as an entry point at the heart of the site, opening up more space to integrate and engage with the urban fabric. At street level, the richly landscaped pedestrian zone is lined with two stories of retail, F&Bs and galleries, stretching lengthily along the main road with maximised shop frontage. It funnels the walk flow into the courtyard, where a public forum provides a relaxed communal environment for casual exchanges.

central courtyard ©LWK + PARTNERS

courtyard connected to the lobby ©LWK + PARTNERS


奥体万科中心已获美国绿色建筑协会 LEED 金认证。整个项目 95,521 平方米楼面充斥着多层绿化空间,建筑师准确掌握建筑和景观的比例,从中采取以自然生态为导向的平衡之道,让不同楼层的上班族忙里偷闲,在一片暖阳及微风之中走向茂密的花草,实实在在地享受一点贴近自然的宁静时刻。

Aoti Vanke Centre is recognised with LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. Multi-layered greenery is implemented in the project, interpolating 95,521 square metres of floor area with oxygenating breakout spaces, to strive for a more nature-oriented equilibrium between the architecture and landscape. Building users will enjoy tangibly the abundant greenery, natural sunlight and air flow.

look up at the towers from the courtyard ©LWK + PARTNERS


Decorative fins are installed on the tower facades to provide passive shading from direct insolation and minimise glare. Soft landscapes at the rooftop gardens provide shading to reduce solar heat gain of the building mass as a whole, and the tower roofs are capped with trellises to screen off excessive insolation.

closer view to the facade ©LWK + PARTNERS

lighting in the night ©LWK + PARTNERS


With plenty of spaces for recreation, open forums, meeting friends and casual exchange, not only are people encouraged to merge lifestyle with work and social engagements at Aoti, but they can also do so amidst leafy surroundings – no matter how high up you are in the building.

building in the sunset ©LWK + PARTNERS


first floor plan ©LWK + PARTNERS

fifth floor plan ©LWK + PARTNERS

eighth floor plan ©LWK + PARTNERS

用地面积︰13,969 平方米
竣工年份︰2020 年
