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摩根州立大学学生服务中心,美国 / Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2022-01-21 09:17




Morgan State University (MSU) in Baltimore is one of the nation’s premier historically black institutions of higher education—and the largest within the State of Maryland— offering a comprehensive range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. Founded in 1867, the university was designated a ‘National Treasure’ in 2016 by The National Trust for Historic Preservation.

▼从校园公共区域望向主入口,Main entrance from campus commons, at the northeast corner © Nic Lehoux

▼从西侧望校园,前景是附近的住宅社区,View of the campus from the West with the nearby residential community in the foreground © Nic Lehoux

校园从新古典主义风格的学术广场延伸至现代建筑环绕下的公共区域,在此环境下,Teeple Architects与GWWO Architects两家事务所合作完成了学生服务中心的设计。该中心将连接历史悠久的学术广场和现代化的公共区域,成为校园中具有标志性且鼓舞人心的“大门”。

Its campus extends from a historic academic quad in a neoclassical style to a campus commons surrounded by modern buildings. Teeple Architects, working in collaboration with GWWO Architects, was tasked with designing a student services centre that would bridge the historic academic quad and the modern campus commons, while also establishing an iconic and uplifting ‘front-door’ to the university.

▼从学生中心望向历史悠久的Holmes Hall © Nic Lehoux
Facing north towards historic Holmes Hall

学生服务中心(The Calvin and Tina Tyler Hall)为当今和未来的学生建立了一个友好的入口,并将原先分散的行政管理和学生服务部门集中在同一个屋檐下,改善了整体的学生体验。作为学生与校园的第一个正式连接点,以及学生在就读期间与校方交流的关键场所,学生服务中心的设计旨在进一步支持MSU作为杰出公立大学的稳固地位,同时帮助其走向积极的未来。

The Calvin and Tina Tyler Hall Student Services Centre improves the overall student experience by establishing a welcoming entry point for current and prospective students, and gathering the university’s formerly dispersed administrative and student services under a single roof. As a student’s first official point of contact with the university, and their key administrative interface throughout their studies, the student centre was designed to affirm Morgan’s State’s long-standing position as a preeminent public university with a positive future.

▼外立面的线条与入口景观庭院将人们引向主入口,The sweeping lines of the facade work in concert with the landscaped arrival court to draw visitors towards the main entrance, serving as the new front door to the university © Nic Lehoux

▼沐浴在阳光下的东立面,The east facade bathed in sunlight © Nic Lehoux

▼雕塑般的檐口标示出校园公共区域的主入口 © Nic Lehoux
A sculptural soffit marks the main entrance from the campus commons

学生服务中心的建筑形式具有很强的表现力,大跨度的弧形墙面充分拥抱了周围环境,将学生迎接至充满活力的校园内部外观。石质立面使建筑得以与学校的历史和传统相连——经过谨慎筛选后确定的石灰石材料,既能够与相邻历史建筑使用的马里兰原野石材和谐相融,又能够实现校方所期望的更加现代的建筑表达。这种独特的深色Eramosa石灰石来源于安大略省的采石场,距离Teeple Architects事务所所在地以北三小时车程。石灰石覆层以棱镜般的金属折面为点缀,将随着天气、时间和观察角度的不同,在丰富的铜和橙色调之间微妙地变化。

The building has an expressive form, with sweeping curved walls that reach out to embrace its surroundings and invite students into the dynamic campus, while its stone cladding links it to history and tradition. Much care was given to finding a limestone cladding that would blend with the palette of Maryland field stone found on the older adjacent buildings while allowing for a more contemporary architectural expression desired by the university. After a thorough material selection process, the university settled on distinctively dark Eramosa limestone from a quarry in Ontario, located three hours north of Teeple Architects’ office. The limestone cladding is accented with prismatic metal cladding that subtly shifts between rich copper and orange hues, depending on the weather, time of day and viewing angle.

▼南立面的曲线与相邻图书馆的凹凸造型相呼应,The sweeping curves of the south facade respond to the convex form of the adjacent Richardson Library © Nic Lehoux

▼沿着校园公共区域望向Holmes Hall,View looking north along campus commons towards historic Holmes Hall © Nic Lehoux

▼外墙由预制混凝土和两英寸厚的石灰石板构成 © Nic Lehoux
The facade is composed of precast concrete faced with two inch thick limestone panels


Topographically, both the academic quad and the campus commons sit a full storey above the surrounding neighborhood. To negotiate the grade separation, there are two connected main entrances. One entrance is located at street-level and the other is a full storey above, at the campus commons. A large landscaped arrival court invites students and visitors towards the street-level entrance where grand stairs, both interior and exterior, mark a formal procession up to the campus commons-level. With the ground floor partially embedded into the hillside, the landscape encircling the building makes use of terraced rain gardens or heavily planted bio-retention features designed to meet Baltimore’s stringent storm water management requirements.

▼从东北方向看,无障碍坡道与景观融为一体,View from northeast, barrier-free ramp integrated into landscape © Nic Lehoux

▼“掀起”的石砌立面揭示出转角处的休息室和社区拓展空间,在校园边缘建立了一个开放和透明的存在,As the facade stretches towards the nearby intersection, stone cladding is lifted to reveal a corner lounge and community outreach space, establishing an open and transparent presence along the campus edge © Nic Lehoux

▼弧线形的北立面在转角处突出,向校园方向延伸,The sweeping curves of the north facade culminate at prow-like corners that stretch towards the historic campus precinct © Nic Lehoux


Inside, the student centre features departmental reception areas and service desks organized along a series of flowing, multi-storey lounges with ample seating, study and collaboration spaces. A monumental stair with gently curved landings and a continuous wood soffit forms the connective tissue between the three levels of public lobbies and lounges, leading to various student-facing departments and culminating with a large student services counter.

▼室内和室外的大型楼梯定义了从大楼通往校园公共楼层的正式路径,Blurring lines between inside and out, twinned interior and exterior monumental stairs mark a formal procession from the ground floor up to the campus commons level © Nic Lehoux

▼建筑外部的平滑曲线在内部大厅空间中得到了呼应,The sweeping curves of the building’s exterior are echoed within the interior lobby spaces © Nic Lehoux

▼位于二层的多功能大厅,可直接从校园层进入,Students entering from the campus directly onto the second level are welcomed by a multipurpose lobby with views to all services © Nic Lehoux

▼独特的木制天花板从底层流淌而上,与公共楼梯的拱腹融为一体,A wood feature ceiling flows up from the ground floor, hugging the underside of the public stair © Nic Lehoux

▼雕塑式般的切口将光线引向建筑的核心部分,Sculptural cuts in the ceiling draw light through the core of building while also allowing for connections between floors © Nic Lehoux

▼从一层可以直接进入社区和内部的学生服务区 © Nic Lehoux
Visitors enter on the first level and have immediate access to community and prospective student functions

▼一站式学生服务中心,‘one-stop’ Student Services Hub © Nic Lehoux

▼行政办公室主要分布在宽敞的学生服务区域后方 © Nic Lehoux
Behind the generous student-facing areas, much of the building is occupied by administrative offices

▼面向校园公共区域的休息室,View of second floor lounge facing campus commons © Nic Lehoux

▼从交通空间可以望见外部的到达庭院,View of second floor circulation space, overlooking the arrival court © Nic Lehoux

▼连接底层和校园公共层的宏伟楼梯,Monumental stairs from the ground floor up to the campus commons level © Nic Lehoux

▼楼梯细节,Detail, continuous monumental stair guard © Nic Lehoux

建筑三层设有景观平台,种植着高茎草和本地授粉花卉,包括马里兰州的州花“黑眼苏珊”。作为小型活动和聚会的空间,景观平台可以俯瞰到以Holmes Hall为中心的学术广场全景。具有标志性的新学生中心展现了摩根州立大学对自身历史的自豪感以及对未来发展的乐观态度。

On the third floor there’s a large landscaped terrace, planted with tall grasses and native pollinator species including Maryland’s state flower, the black-eyed Susan. A space for small events and gatherings, this terrace has panoramic views of the academic quad, centered on historic Holmes Hall. The iconic new student centre embodies the university’s pride in its history, and optimism for the future.

▼位于三层的屋顶花园,Roof terrace on the third floor © Nic Lehoux

▼从外部楼梯沿北立面望向三层的悬臂式露台 © Nic Lehoux
Standing atop the exterior stair, underneath the cantilevered third floor terrace, looking along the north facade

▼外墙轮廓将学生和访客引向临街的入口 © Nic Lehoux
Students and visitors are drawn towards the street-level entrance by the sweeping lines of the facade

▼场地平面图,Context plan © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼示意图,Diagram © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼一层平面图,Plan level 1 © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼二层平面图,Plan level 2 © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼三层平面图,Plan level 3 © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼四层平面图,Plan level 4 © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼五层平面图,Plan level 5 © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼北立面图,North building elevation © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼南立面图,South building elevation © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼西立面图,West building elevation © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼东立面图,East building elevation © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

▼剖面图,West building section © Teeple Architects + GWWO Architects

Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Client: Morgan State University
Completion: September 2020
Size: 141,675 sq ft
Facility Type: Academic (Student Services)
Sustainability: LEED® Silver

Design Architect: Teeple Architects Inc.
Architect of Record: GWWO Architects
FFE Architect: KPN Architects
Construction Management: Barton Malow
Structural Engineers: ReStl Designers Inc.
Mechanical Engineers: Mueller Associates
Electrical Engineers: WFT Engineering
Plumbing & Fire Protection: WFT Engineering
Civil Engineers: Carroll Engineering
LEED® Consultant: Sustainable Design Consulting
Landscape Architecture: Floura Teeter
Transportation: Symmetra Design
Geotechnical & Site: Navarro & Wright
Acoustic: Acoustical Design Collaborative
Lighting: MCLA
AV, IT & Security: speXsys
Cost: Forella Group
Permit Expeditor: NMP Engineering

Photographer:  Nic Lehoux
