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北辰长沙中心 / 阿特金斯顾问有限公司

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2022-05-16 09:28



Atkins非常荣幸地宣布,由阿特金斯设计的长沙市新地标——北辰长沙中心项目,正式开幕。北辰集团领导针对本项目提到:” 长沙国际会议中心项目在充分尊重长沙市滨江文化园城市规划的原则上,最大程度实现公共利益,将高层建筑远距离退让三馆一厅,保证了大尺度的开阔城市空间,项目以其现代大气的造型与三馆一厅等周边公共建筑交相辉映,共同组成“长沙城市会客厅”。本项目主创设计师,ATKINS香港办公室设计总监Alex Peaker 认为”北辰长沙中心终于揭盖神秘面纱,向全世界发出正式邀请,共同见证长沙三角洲新CBD的核心片区新地标的落成。经得起时间洗礼的地标性建筑、完善的配套设施和宽敞明亮的室内空间将给与人们一段难以忘怀且娱心悦目的旅程。”作为北辰集团在长沙三角洲新CBD片区550万大型综合发展中最重要的项目之一,北辰长沙中心不仅仅是被定义为该片区的中心地标,更由于其具有国际运营水准的会议会展中心,承载着提升长沙整体城市形象的重任。

Atkins is excited to announce that a new landmark project, Northstar Changsha Centre, is officially open. The Northstar Leader informed: “With respect to and aligned with the Changsha Riverside Culture Park planning, Changsha Convention Centre maximized the public interest as it pushed the tall towers back away from the civic buildings to keep a widen city plaza. The glorious architecture shape harmonizes with the 3 stadiums and 1 concert hall surrounded, which create the “Changsha City Hall””. The Chief Designer, Alex Peaker from Atkins HK Studio addressed the project as “The Northstar Changsha Centre will welcome visitors to the heart of this new district of Changsha and the timeless iconic architecture, generous facilities and daylit interiors will make it a memorable and enjoyable visit’ As one of the most important phases in the giant 5.5 million GFA mixed-use development operated by Beijing Northstar Group, Northstar Changsha Centre is not only defined to serve the specific district but also to be built to enhance the city image of Changsha thanks to the international operation standard convention centre and exhibition centre located on the plot.

▼北辰长沙三角洲新CBD片区鸟瞰实景图,The Aerial View of Northstar Changsha Delta Area ©北京北辰集团


A 7-year Journey

Atkins 在2015年通过国际竞赛赢得本项目。本案包含两个地块。A3地块包含一个国际运营水准的会议会展中心,一栋高157m 五星级酒店和一栋200m高公寓塔楼及部分商业配套。A2地块则由一栋400m超高层地标综合塔楼,一栋200m办公塔楼和商业裙房组成。在赢得竞赛后,Atkins被委托以首席建筑师的身份完成A3地块的后续建筑设计。自赢得本项目,Atkins与业主及各个专业顾问一起(具体详见后附名单),以及本项目其他参与方共同携手工作7年,终于将本案交付。最令人振奋的是,竞赛获胜方案被几乎100%且高品质地实现。伴随着本案的正式落成,作为本案中重要的参与方及首席建筑设计师,Atkins在看到本项目高品质交付后,感到非常欣慰和自豪。

Atkins won this project through an invited international competition in 2015. The project covers two Plots. Plot A3 is the Convention and Exhibition centre, a 157m high hotel tower and a 207m high-end service apartment tower. Plot A2 contains a 400m high iconic tower, a 200m office tower and retail. After the competition win, Atkins was awarded the downstream design work for Plot A3. Since winning the project, Atkins has been working and coordinating with the client, the special consultants (details related to the bottom of the article), and other stakeholders involved in the project for over 7 years. The most exciting part is that the winning scheme has been almost 100% built accordingly. Now, with the building officially open, as the key participator and lead architect in the landmark project, we are pleased to see the design delivered with high construction quality.

▼现场建成图片,Built Site Photo ©北京北辰集团


Design Intent

基于本项目的特点和定位要求,当接手规划本案两个地块时,Atkins团队决定首要目标是要最大化土地价值,并充分利用湘江和浏阳河的交汇所带来的优美江岸景观。在充分尊重城市肌理的前提下, A3地块两栋塔楼平行错位布置,一方面可以给两栋塔楼最好的景观,另外一方面亦可避免塔楼之间对视的问题。会议会展中心则被布置在地块中央,在保证最佳景观的同时,也充分地与旁边公共文化区直接相连,保证人们可以非常便捷的走入周边公共文化地块,并进一步到达江边,从而得以欣赏优美的江景。塔楼、裙房和会议会展中心的建筑语言呼应了方正的城市规划肌理。理性且干净的立面彰显简约大气风范,并经的起时间洗礼。理性的设计手法也体现在平面功能效率上,尤其是酒店塔楼、公寓塔楼和会议会展中心大厅的设计上。该部分将在下面的章节具体阐述。夜晚时分,立面上LED灯带更进一步彰显该项目的地标性身份。

Given the criteria of the project, when planning the two plots, the Atkins team decided to maximise the value of the land and the river view of the beautiful landscape beside the joint point of Xiangjiang River and Liuyang River. With respect to the urban fabric, the two towers are located to give excellent views and the river and avoid overlooking. The Exhibition and Convention centre was placed in the middle of Plot A3 to have the best views of the river and nearby cultural district and be easily accessed to the nearby civic building plots. Therefore, the citizens and visitors can easily walk towards the river side directly. Architecture language of towers, podiums and convention & exhibition centre correspond with the orthogonal planning. Rational and clean façade gives a strong image as timeless design of simple but elegant taste. The rationality is also reflected on the efficiency as well, especially for the hotel tower and the service apartment tower and the rectangular planning of the convention halls. At night, the LED lighting on the façade further enhances the iconic identity of the project.

▼夜景实景照片,Night View ©北京北辰集团


Flexibility and Efficiency

会议会展中心 | Exhibition and Convention Centre

作为会议会展中心开发和运营的先驱者,北辰集团在国内已经开发和运营了多个地标性会议会展中心项目,包括北京国家会议中心、珠海国际会议会展中心、北京雁西湖会议中心等。因此,鉴于其坐落于长沙新CBD的独特地理位置,并将作为引领和促进该区域经济发展的关键地标,北辰集团对于本案的未来有更高的期许。北辰集团领导强调:” 会议会展作为北辰优势业务板块,我们有信心在政府的领导和支持下,做好会展场馆的运营,提供优质的服务,为长沙会展业的快速发展做出应有的贡献。”与其他大型体量的会议会展中心相比,本案30,000平方米的建筑体量在设计中,需要考虑更高的灵活性和高效性,这同时也是能否成功设计会议会展中心和成功运营会议会展中心的关键。另外,在举行大型活动时,如何规划和指引人们进出会议会展中心也是项目成败的核心要素。为此,设计师们巧妙地在会议会展中心内布置了不同尺寸类型的多功能会议会展空间。并且在二楼的空间,创造了不同尺度的露台,露台亦有与周边地块相联动的二层连廊,以保证在高峰期,人们可以通过不同渠道进行集结和疏散。

As the pioneer and professional operator on convention and exhibition venues, Northstar Group has been developing and operating a many landmark convention and exhibition centre projects in Mainland China, including Beijing National Convention Centre, Zhuhai Convention and Exhibition Centre and Beijing Yanxihu Convention Centre. Therefore, for this project, Northstar Group have a higher expectation, especially because the project is located in the new CBD area, which will be an essential component to propel the local economics. The Northstar Leader emphasises that “Convention and Exhibition is one of Northstart’s dominant sectors. We are confident to operate and manage the exhibition and convention centre and to provide the high-quality service under the support of the Changsha government. Therefore, to make the contribution to the fast-growing exhibition and convention business in Changsha.” Compared to other giant exhibition and convention centre, the 30,000sqm exhibition and convention centre needs to be more flexible and efficient, which is also a key to the planning of a successful conference centres and to the success of the project in the future operation. Furthermore, how to circulate and guide pedestrians to enter and exit the convention centre is also substantial issue when large events are hosted. The designers masterly created different sizes of indoor spaces for flexible exhibition and convention venues on 2nd floor that have the potential opportunity to link to the 2nd level terraces and pedestrian corridors to link with plots nearby.

▼通向公共文化去和A2地块方向的各个二层连廊,Elevated walkways in different directions to the neighbouring cultural distinct and A2 Plot ©北京北辰集团


▼宏伟屋顶下的退台空间和会议会展空间,The convention halls and terraces under the great roof ©阿特金斯顾问有限公司

▼多功能会议会展中心灵活性布置,Flexibility of multifunctional convention and exhibition space composition ©阿特金斯顾问有限公司

At the main entrance, a large terrace with stairs is placed to demonstrate the brand image of the civic building. The idea comes from the traditional China Building design principle as in “historically a raised plinth is used to emphasize the importance of the building”. In the meanwhile, retail and F&B components are placed on the ground floor as amenities to support large events. The separated retail and F&B shops are also designed to support the public city plaza, the hotel and the service apartment areas, which will be operated even though there’s no large events. The halls are designed to be highly flexible to provide venues for different types and scales of events so that the exhibition and convention centre could be used regularly to create revenue and balance the ROI. The large conference hall is designed to accommodate conferences, performances, banquets and exhibitions and is supported with large pre-function areas and back-of-house spaces. The hall is planned for all seats to be movable so the hall can be completely clear of seating. All the components are united together under the grand roof supported by lightweight columns. Not only does the grand roof improve the strong eye-catching image on the civic building, but also it provides sustainability solution for the building. Compared to the base, the roof size is larger, which and becomes a wind and rain porch for people to enjoy.

▼主入口平台沿阶而上,The raised plinth at the main entrance ©北京北辰集团


塔楼 | Towers


As the essential amenity to the Convention Centre, the hotel that would be operated by the client directly together with the Exhibition and Convention Centre, is carefully placed adjacent to the convention and exhibition centre. This benefits the guests or visitors who stay in the hotel when large activities happen as they could enter the Convention Centre just through the elevator and pre-function lobby shared with the Convention Centre. Furthermore, the ballrooms and restaurants of the hotel raise the capacity of the Convention Centre and provide more support in case of different events happen at the same time. As a differentiated positioning hotel compared to the Intercontinental hotel nearby, the specific hotel is requested to provide more rooms (469 keys total) to accommodate the peak-time visitors. Meanwhile, to maximise the beautiful river view would also increase the value of the hotel, the design of plan places the core on the side facing the city area so that the rooms on the riverside could be larger with full river view. Considering the balance of investment, Service Apartment is defined to be partially for rent and the rest for sale. Therefore, with similar layout to maximize the river landscape view, service apartment tower is founded with more options on room types to meet different requirements on the market. The rent part could also be the supplement of the capacity of hotel in peak time. Thanks to the different operation strategy, the circulation of service apartment building is separated from the convention centre with exclusive entrance and lobby on the city side so that the tenants would enjoy the privacy and avoid the noise or interruption from the busy Convention Centre.

▼酒店与会议会展中心为一体化设计,The integration of the Convention Centre and the Hotel ©北京北辰集团




Each of the Convention Centre roof modules forms a skylight that is orientated to the north to bring indirect daylight down to the space below. The large eaves of the roof protect the pre-function spaces from the sun and allow the glass walls to be very clear. The large surface area of the roof is also ideal for rainwater collection which can then be used for landscape irrigation or grey water supply. The Convention Centre in particular will set new standards in passive energy efficiency due to its careful orientation and sophisticated roof design.

▼屋顶设计融入可持续发展策略,Roof Design integrating Sustainability Strategy ©阿特金斯顾问有限公司


Integrate and Engage with the surrounding City Area


As the transition from riverfront culture district to the commercial CBD area, the Northstar Changsha Centre is a highly pedestrian friendly environment with the plaza and a series of more modest spaces liked by a network of elevated walkways. These walkways will then connect out into the adjacent commercial, residential and cultural plots around the site. This focus on pedestrian movement will extend on to linking into the new metro station on the nearby plot to the East and the cultural district as well as riverside greenbelt to the West.

▼各个区域的定位愿景,The Vision of each region ©阿特金斯顾问有限公司

在全球各大城市的发展中,会议会展中心已经变成不可或缺的城市公共建筑之一。它是全世界人们集聚分享思想和交易的重要场所。由此,会议会展中心已成为一个城市彰显其身份的重要地标建筑。它的存在同时也体现了人们希望面对面集聚的本性。人们仍需要走到一起,即使仅仅是一个寒暄的握手。只有这样,好的思想才能够被公开分享,新的想法才能够在共同协作下产生。同样,也只有这样,合作关系才能形成,并得以加强,从而形成长期且更为紧密的合作。作为全球领先的建筑设计和工程顾问公司,Atkins在全球其他地方也有完成类似的项目。北辰长沙中心项目是Atkins第一在中国大陆落成的会议会展类综合体。”我们非常荣幸能够看到长沙新城市地标的落成。在此项目中,我们非常享受与业主和其他各个顾问团队之间非常富有成效的相互协作。项目高品质的落成也兑现了整个团队期望打造一个令人兴奋项目的承诺。” Alex Peaker,本案主创设计师,在收到业主分享的北辰长沙中心开业项目照片后,表达了其对于该项目成功落成的欣慰。

Convention Centre is becoming one of the most important civic buildings in large cities globally. It’s the place where people from all over the world come to one place to exchange ideas or do business. As a result is it one of the civic monuments in which a city celebrates its identity. It also reflects that the desire to gather that remains part of human nature. People still need to come together, if only for the act of shaking hands. Only then can ideas be openly shared and new ideas collectively emerge. And only then can lifetime business relationships grow and become close collaborative bonds. As one of the leading architecture and engineering international consultants, Atkins has been involved in many similar projects globally. The Northstar Changsha Centre project is the first one to be built in Mainland China. “We are delighted to see the successful opening of this major new facility for Changsha. We have had a very fruitful working relationship with the client and the consultant team and the photos of the finished building demonstrate the commitment of the whole team in delivering this fantastic project.” Alex Peaker, the Chief Designer on the project, expressed his gratify when seeing the opening ceremony photos shared by the client.

▼剖面图,Sections ©阿特金斯顾问有限公司

Project Brief 项目简介
Site Area 占地面积: 29,045sqm
GFA 建筑面积: 201,341.78 sqm
– Convention and Exhibition Centre(including retail component) 会议会展中心(含商业配套): 48,608.04 sqm
-Hotel 酒店: 36,098.1 sqm
-Service Apartment 公寓: 66,574.36sqm
-Basement 地下空间: 50,061.28 sqm

Team Brief 团队简介
Client 业主方: Beijing Northstar Group 北京北辰集团
Architecture 建筑设计: ATKINS
Structural Engineering 结构设计: Thornton Tomasetti
M&E Consultant Engineering 机电设计: Huineng MEP Design Consultants Co., Ltd.
Local Design Institute 国内设计院: Beijing Institute of Architectural Design 北京建筑设计院
Landscape 景观设计: ACLA
Interiors 室内设计: Shenzhen Datong
Lighting Consultant 灯光顾问:
-Outdoor 室外灯光顾问: Tungsten studio
-Indoor 室内灯光顾问: Pudi Design

Atkins Team Atkins设计团队
Chief Designer 主创设计师: Alex Peaker
Project Manager 项目经理: 张佳怡
Main Design Team Members主要团队成员: Leo Tam, Jinsuk Seo, Nancy Chan, Strawberry Wong, 戴雨橙等

Official Business Development and Marketing Contact:
Contact Person联系人:Jelley Zhang
Email 邮箱:jelley.zhang@atkinsglobal.com
