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环秀湖湿地科普宣教馆建筑设计,天津 / 北林风景建筑研究中心

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2023-07-06 09:24





The Huanxiu Lake Science Popularization and Education Center was built in Xiaying Town, Jizhou District, Tianjin. Over the years, Xiaying Town has experienced a continuous loss of population and outdated public facilities. Although it is located at the junction of Beijing and Tianjin, its development is still lagging behind. In recent years, in order to coordinate the new development planning of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Jizhou District will create a global tourism, which brings new development opportunities to the ancient villages located at the junction of Tianjin and Beijing.

▼项目概览,Project overview © 高寒


▼环秀湖科普宣教馆位置,Location of Huanxiu Lake Science Popularization and Education Center ©北林风景建筑研究中心

In 2020, the government invested in the construction of the Huanxiu Lake National Wetland Park in collaboration with regional tourism planning, focusing on the protection of wetland ecosystems, rational use of wetland resources, wetland education and scientific research, thus collaborating with regional tourism planning for the purpose, and the studio was invited to design an exhibition building to science education in the newly planned Huanxiu Lake Wetland Park.

▼项目与周边环境鸟瞰,Aerial view of the project and surrounding environment © 高寒

▼项目顶视图,Top view © 高寒


Design Concept


The west of the building is close to the landscape of the wetland plank road, and the eastern part is the wetland science area within the site. The design follows the island layout of the landscape and is fully integrated with the red line of the reserved oval building site, and the form is more approachable.

▼椭圆形的建筑外形,Oval shape of the building © 高寒


▼方案生成,Design generation ©北林风景建筑研究中心

In order to achieve harmony between the building and the environment, the design precisely controls the height of the building so that it is not higher than the highest height of residential buildings in Xiaying town, presenting a modest posture in the traditional village and natural environment. The overall height of the design is controlled at about seven meters, and provides a two-story terrace with a view of the distant mountains, with the roof side sloping towards the dam, overlooking the wetland landscape of the park, the gurgling stream in the middle, and the mountains in the distance. The beautiful view of the river to the west and the dam in the distance is successfully incorporated into the building.

▼建筑与环境的关系,The relationship between architecture and environment © 高寒


In addition to height control, the facade form of building also utilizes a continuous glass curtain wall to create a natural transition from the indoor exhibition to the outdoor garden, makes the view more light and transparent for the indoor exhibits. It allows children visiting the exhibition to connect with nature in a unique way.

▼通透的室内外空间,Transparent interior and exterior space © 高寒


Spatial Experience


Looking at the building from the outside, the use of glass curtain wall makes the missionary hall more light and transparent, the entity of the building uses reconstituted bamboo veneer facade to balance durability and nativity, and when night falls, the building is as warm and rustic as a forest cabin under the cover of trees.

▼从室外看向建筑,View of the building from the outside © 高寒

▼屋顶近景,Roof details © 高寒


▼设计分层图,Layered Drawing © 北林风景建筑研究中心

The roof is surrounded by 24 steel rafters of different lengths, each supported on the inner and outer ring beams, each placed at a different angle, which gather to shape a curved roof. The shingle roof slowly extends downward, which makes the building become long and slender and also encloses the space under the corridor, which can also be used as an extension of the exhibition space, walking along the outer corridor, you can see the inside and outside of the building.

▼屋面曲线造型,Roof curve modeling © 高寒


Entering the room, the tour route unfolds along the circle. The high windows inside and the glass curtain wall outside bring rich light and shadow changes to the missionary hall, connecting it with the internal topography shaping to form a whole nature picture. The interior is rich in interesting flora and fauna exhibits, providing a child-friendly space for children around to learn about nature.

▼室内实景,Interior photos © 高寒


Visitors can reach the second floor platform by climbing slowly along the indoor circular ramp.The sunlight shines into the interior along the inner glass curtain wall, bringing a rich change of light and shadow to the ramp.

▼环形坡道,Circular ramp © 高寒


Reaching the second floor platform, the circular skylight comes into view, and the height of the roof falls slowly from east to west, with the lowest point of the roof being 1.5 meters, so visitors can look out along the roof.

▼二层平台实景,Second floor platform photo © 高寒


Design Difficulties


First, the project based on the implementation of the landscape project, so the project was initially confined to a small, approximately triangular plot, and the surrounding landscape design was in its final stage. We abandoned the attempt to break through the site in terms of shape and fully integrated the architectural plan with the given site, creating two levels of space inside and outside a triangular plan with rounded corners, and creating a second level open terrace looking up the hill based on the multi-purpose hall at the core of the plan. Releasing the influence of the space from the inside out was the biggest challenge we reached with this design.

▼夜幕降临,Night falls © 高寒



Second, to ensure the equal height of the wall and the outer circle column grid, its supporting structure is not completely parallel to the inner and outer circles of the overall architectural form, and the inclination angle and length of the rafters are different. Therefore, we separate the structure from the exterior wall to obtain a freer facade form.

Third, while meeting the slope requirements, the circular ramp needs to be matched with the roof slope angle. After multiple debugging, the best roof angle and ramp starting point have been obtained, which have been fully solved in the construction drawing design process.

▼夜景,Night views © 高寒


Social benefits


With the publicity and education center as the center, in coordination with the regional tourism planning, and it aims to solve the problem of labor force loss and aging in rural areas and further enhance the competitiveness of rural economies. The science popularization and education Center meets the needs of the urban population in Beijing and Tianjin to participate in the science and exploration of ecological civilization, and also meets the employment needs of local residents at the same time. Relying on the policy of the whole area tourism industry layout, children on holidays, accompanied by their parents, experience the wetland scenery, learn popular science knowledge, and make local handicrafts. While teaching and entertaining, they improve the quality and vitality of the rural residential environment and enhance the demonstration effect of rural revitalization.

▼平面图,Plan ©北林风景建筑研究中心

▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan ©北林风景建筑研究中心

▼立面图,Elevations ©北林风景建筑研究中心

▼剖面图,Sections ©北林风景建筑研究中心

▼详图图纸,Detail drawings ©北林风景建筑研究中心

建筑:段威、郑小东、李雪、梁彤、 单晓萌、杨媛婷、李昂、魏刘超、蔡昊宪
摄影版权: 北林风景建筑研究中心

Project name: Huanxiu Lake Science Popularization and Education Center design
Project type: culture buildings(Completed projects)
Design: Atelier Folie
Contact e-mail:atelier_folie@163.com
Design year:2020
Completion Year:2023
Leader designer & Team:
Architecture :DuanWei、Zheng Xiaodong、LiXue、LiangTong、ShanXiaomeng、Yang Yuanting、LiAng、Wei Liuchao、Cai Haoxian
Landscape: PengRong、SuBo、ShangNan、MengYujia、ZhuWeiyu
Project location:Xiaying Town, Jizhou District, Tianjin Province
Gross built area: 746㎡
photographer:GaoHan (149509599@qq.com
Photo credit: Atelier_Folie
Partner:Forestry Office Forest Factory Industry Planning & Designing Institution
Clients: Water Bureau of Jizhou District, Tianjin
