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青岛耶胡迪梅纽因学校 / 同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2023-09-21 09:20




“The design introduces the theme of musical geometry. Through the control of proportion and rhythm, it creates a group of architectural groups around music teaching activities. The design attempts to provide an interesting and comfortable experience for teachers and students by highlighting the uniqueness of the building and integrating it into the beautiful surrounding environment in a poetic way.”

▼项目概览,Overall view © 章勇


The Geometry of Music

音乐与建筑具有共性,设计探索了这一共性。基于Dmitri Tymoczko在《音乐中的几何》中创造性的提出音乐的底层逻辑可以通过空间中矢量点的几何连接来诠释,设计选择一系列接近音乐的几何图形作为母题元素,在满足中小学阶段教育细致而严格的功能需求同时与场地优美的环境对话,尝试打破建筑、自然和音乐教育的边界。

Music and architecture have commonalities, and the design explores this commonality. Based on Dmitri Tymoczko’s creative proposal in The Geometry of Music that the underlying logic of music can be interpreted through the geometric connection of vector points in space, the design selected a series of geometric figures close to music as motif elements to meet the requirements of primary and secondary education.It meets the detailed and strict functional requirements of primary and secondary education while dialogues with the beautiful environment of the site, trying to break the boundaries of architecture, nature and music education.

▼西侧鸟瞰,Aerial view from west © 章勇


The Penetration of Nature


The Yehudi Menuhin School Qingdao is located in the middle section of Tangdao Bay Coastal Park on the west coast of Qingdao, facing the core urban area of the west coast across the shore. It is an important cultural, artistic, and educational architecture in the city. The base is located in Tangdao Bay Coastal Park, with the continuous coastline and towering ridges outlining the background of the city. As a national wetland park, the peninsula surrounded by the sea on three sides extends into the sea like an arm bend, and the surrounding area is surrounded by dense forest land. The natural ecological environment is superior, primitive and quiet. Across the bay lies the brightly lit city center of the West Coast New Area, with high-rise buildings extending along the natural bay’s arc. The site with other buildings such as the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the West Sea Art Museum, is scattered along the long coastline, forming the focal point of the entire city’s perspective.

▼从东北角俯瞰唐岛湾,Aerial view to Tangdao Bay © 章勇

▼唐岛湾夜景,Tangdao Bay night view © 章勇


The seemingly organic and scattered volume is actually the ultimate response to the external environment and internal functions. According to the requirements of separation dynamic-static separation and circulation, the functions are divided into three relatively independent groups, which are used for general classrooms, professional classrooms, and dormitory. The three groups breaking into small parts resolves the extreme irregular shape of the site. Under the control of precise modulus, the school set up a campus plaza with complete shape and sufficient scale facing the city in the tense land use.

▼从东北角俯瞰基地,Site aerial view from northeast © 章勇

▼整体轴侧,Axon © 同济大学建筑设计研究院


On the north side of the square, a semi-enclosed space is formed by buildings and corridors. The south side of the square, which is open to the city, is a public activity center and ceremonial space where people gather, spaces meet, and functions interweave. The appropriate space between groups and the boundaries of the buildings reserve a view corridor for the central plaza, which leads to mountains and seas. It juxtaposes the magnificent mountains and seas in the distance, the noisy city, the dense forests on the shore, and the campus activities around you. Music, nature and the city meet in campus.

▼南侧校园,School campus south elevation © 章勇


The Artificial Reef


The solid hexagonal block gives architecture a sense of sculpture while having sufficient views of the sea and good lighting conditions, and it fits the irregular boundaries of the site. The moderate movement of the volumes allows the enclosed inner courtyard to connect with the city scenery.

▼建筑群外观,Architecture group exterior view © 章勇


Every building on the coastline needs to face the exceptionally humid climate during the rainy season every year and the continuous erosion of salt and alkali in the air. The exterior facade of the building did not use conventional school coatings or brick materials, but instead used cast-in-place concrete. This simple material have extremely strong weather resistance, while its strong plasticity also makes simple geometric shapes more pure, like reefs on the beach.

▼教学楼立面,Teaching building facade © 章勇


The facade units are all made of white cast-in-place concrete. The interior of the inclined facade volume is a hollow cavity. The facade uses concrete templates, while the interior side uses insulation materials as support templates. In the early stage, a 1:1 unit mock-up was carried out to control joints, holes, colors, and other aspects to make the presentation of the form more complete and unified.

▼现浇白色混凝土立面 © 章勇
The facade units are all made of white cast-in-place concrete

▼立面细部,Facade detailed view © 章勇

▼宿舍楼立面局部,Dormitory facade © 章勇

▼立面窗口单元样板段,Opening units © 同济大学建筑设计研究院


A polysemous experience


Children are naturally lively and active, while music learning comes with repetitive and continuous practice. The simple natural scenery and rich internal space are the best companionship for users. The atrium and inner courtyard are the core internal spaces of hexagonal buildings, and all daily teaching activities revolve around them. The diverse forms of spaces provide platforms for students to engage in diverse activities, and active interaction between venues and users can trigger rich sensory experiences.

▼教学楼中庭,Atrium of the teaching building © 章勇


The internal public space of the music professional courses teaching building is divided into a combination of two small atriums and one inner courtyard. The three platforms are located at different heights, facing each other but not fully connected, providing students with a variety of spatial experiences. The platform is a stage where players can play at any time, a podium where everyone gathers, a wonderful exhibition space, and a pleasant communication space.

▼入口门厅,Lobby © 章勇

▼入口门厅,Lobby © 章勇

▼专业楼中庭楼梯 © 章勇
Staircase in the atrium of the professional building


When the small stage in the high area is rehearsing, the teachers and students on the platform in the low area exhibition hall can only hear the sound without seeing anyone. They need to cross the grand staircase to reach the atrium in the middle area to discover the source of the sound. This process is like crossing a gap in a stone, providing an interesting process of exploration, encouraging students’ precious curiosity and exploration desire.

▼专业楼中庭如探秘般的体验,A secretive experience in the atrium of the professional building © 章勇


The atrium of the general courses teaching building is a complete and towering hexagonal shape. Before entering, one needs to pass through a low and deep entrance, and the transformation of space gives a strong sense of openness. The grand staircase on the ground floor provides high-quality public space for teachers and students, making it a place for daily socializing and non-daily teaching. The rotating staircase connects each floor of the space and guides the visual continuously upwards. The top array of geometric skylights cuts natural light, enriching the expression of the space.

▼文化教学楼中庭,The atrium of the teaching building © 章勇

▼教学楼中庭天窗,Skylight © 章勇


The dormitory is equipped with restaurants, gyms, activity rooms, and other functions around the sunken courtyard. The transparent glass on the ground floor enhances the openness of the entire space, providing students with a multifunctional activity space.

▼宿舍楼下沉庭院,Sunken courtyard of the dormitory © 章勇

▼内院,Inner yard © 章勇


The corridor connects three functional groups, providing a shelter from wind and rain for all teachers and students in the school, and is also a space filled with public activities. The non-linear corridor, which widen or narrow at times, is indistinguishable from the main body of the building, creating an extremely interesting experience through interweaving, connecting, embedding, enclosing, scaling, and other methods. Like a landscape picker, it connects the hexagonal sunken courtyard under bright sunlight, the beautiful afterglow of the seaside park in the sight corridor, and the coffee shop with warm lights diffused along the floor glass.

▼教学楼主入口实景图,Main entrance to the teaching building © 章勇

▼教学楼游廊,The corridor along the teaching building © 章勇

▼游廊中的图书馆,The library in the corridor © 章勇

▼暮色中的游廊,Corridor in the evening © 章勇

▼游廊局部,Close-up view © 章勇


The semi-underground multifunctional hall is equipped with high windows to introduce natural light. People on the roadside can discover indoor performances. The air rehearsal hall is equipped with low windows to introduce the outdoor scenery, and the scenery can be seen when looking up between performances. Rooms located in two different locations also need to meet strict acoustic requirements and provide a viewing area, with architecture and nature infiltrating each other.

▼半地下多功能厅,The semi-underground multifunctional hall © 章勇

▼空中排练厅,The air rehearsal hall © 章勇

▼一层门厅实景图,Lobby on the ground floor © 章勇

▼餐厅&教学楼走廊,Canteen & Corridor © 章勇

▼建筑夜景,Building facade night view © 章勇

▼整体剖轴测,Sectional perspective – the project © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼教学楼剖轴测,Sectional perspective – teaching building © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼专业楼剖轴测,Sectional perspective – professional building © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼宿舍楼剖轴测,Sectional perspective – dormitory © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼总平面图,Site plan © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼地下一层平面图,Plan -1F © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼一层平面图,Plan 1F © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼二层平面图,Plan 2F © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼标准层平面图,Typical plan © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼屋顶层平面图,Roof plan © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼教学楼剖面图,Teaching building section © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼专业楼剖面图,Professional building section © 同济大学建筑设计研究院

▼墙身剖透视,Sectional perspective © 同济大学建筑设计研究院


Project name: The Yehudi Menuhin School Qingdao
Project type: Architecture
Design: TJAD
Website: http://www.tjad.cn/
Contact e-mail: 5wjia@tjad.cn
Completion Year: 2022
Leader designer & Team:
Project chief: Zeng Qun, Lai Junheng;
Architectural team: Wu Xianzhi, Xing Jiabei, Ma Zhong, Ren Peiwen, Tao Siyuan, Lei Yu, Yang Jing, Lv Menghan, Lin Yang, Hu Die, Ma Tiandong, Gao Mang;
Structural team: Li Bing, Feng Fan, Zhang Lu, Zhou Jingliang, Zhang Cang;
Water supply and drainage team: Shi Jinyue, Zhang Kai, Ding yangyang;
HVAC team: Zhu Weichang, Tang Zhenzhong, Zhang Weilin
Electrical team: Wu Pan, Tang Ping, Sun Xiaofeng, Liang Fuzhu, Chen Kai
Interior team: Wu Xianzhi, Zhao Xiaoyin, Huang Jiaxing, Kou Xiangzheng, Lin Yang, Ma Zhong, Ren Peiwen
Landscape team: Wu Xianzhi, Chen Ye, Ren Peiwen

Project location: West Coast New Area, Qingdao, Shandong, China
Gross built area: 54795㎡
Photo credit: Zhang Yong

Interior: Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co.,Ltd.
Furnishing: Qingdao Fassan Environmental Project Co.Ltd.
Acoustic consultant: Liu Haisheng, Institute of Acoustics, Tongji University
Lighting consultant: Grand Sight Design International Limited (GD-lighting)
Landscape:Yu Tao Landscape, Shanghai Lianchuang Design Group Co., LTD
Clients: Qingdao Urban Construction Group Education and Culture Co., Ltd
Materials: White cast-in-place concrete
