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华侨城万科世纪水岸社区服务中心 ,江西 / 水石设计

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2024-02-04 09:26




Super Community


▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view of the site ©胡义杰

Located to the north of Yunhai Road and the west of Qiaoxiang Road, the project is a community supporting facility surrounded by residential areas. Unlike traditional communities with simplified property services, the Century Waterfront Community gives top priority to the sound experience of the residents. It has carried out iterative upgrading of public supporting facilities to create diversified life scenes. When it comes to the construction of the community service center, it manages to foster an integrated life scene of composite forms for people of all ages, giving full consideration to the community businesses, fresh food market, waterfront canteen, cultural exhibition and activity center, medical service center, elderly service center, government affairs service and other operation contents.

▼建筑鸟瞰,Aerial view of the building ©胡义杰


▼建筑顶视,Top view of the building ©胡义杰

▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©胡义杰

In this project, the community service center is redefined in its role. It no longer follows the traditional model that only meets rigid demands, but assumes multiple functions, such as shopping, socializing, delicacy service, sports, park, elderly care and medical care, hailed as a “super community” that accompanies residents and even inspires their sense of satisfaction and pride. As an urban facility transcending traditional residential quarter functions, the super community distinguishes itself in that it could improve the functions and quality of the city, and make the city life more convenient, comfortable and beautiful.

▼建筑立面,Facade of the building ©胡义杰


In the spirit that “everyone should be a co-builder of the community and the city” (from the Century Waterfront Convention), it proves a meaningful special practice to explore the beautiful community model. In the future, the Century Waterfront Community will keep a watchful eye on various neighborhood needs of every “I” in the community at different periods, in a bid to build itself into a model of self-governing community characterized by humanities and arts.

▼分析图,Diagram ©水石设计-米川工作室


Spiraling Roof Sports Park

▼屋顶运动公园特写,Close-up of the roof sports park ©胡义杰


The east side of the base is a large green U-axis of the whole area. We hope this building, which is the core of life, is integrated with the green axis to extend the urban public green belt. We changed the shape of the building into a landscape, and transformed it into a green, eco-friendly sports park. We remodeled the building into a spiraling sculptural form, and forged a spiraling rooftop sports park over the entire roof. Here, people may engage in various activities. It can be a place to stop by, hold a ball game, sit down and chat, jog for exercise, or simply meditate. It can also be a place for children to play, or conduct outdoor events and performances.

▼楼梯概览,Overview of the staircase ©胡义杰

▼盘旋而上的楼梯,Spiraling staircase ©胡义杰


As an outdoor extension of the interior space, the roof park on each floor is closely associated with the functional space of the floor. The parks on the floors are naturally integrated into a whole through the gentle slopes or steps, thus linking different crowds on the floors together. People meet here to stage all kinds of unexpected scenarios. It always embraces people in an open, low-threshold attitude, builds an energy field of warm, diverse, open and inclusive neighborhood interactions, and enhances their sense of belonging and value identification.

▼雕塑般的形体,Sculptural forms ©胡义杰

▼楼梯特写,Close-up of the staircase ©胡义杰


Colored “Bar Code” Facade


▼“条形码”立面,”Bar Code” Facade ©胡义杰

In the design of the facade, we adopted a muscular skin logic to furnish a sculptural sense in the architectural form. To control cost, we planned to design a “quasi-curtain wall” layer following the construction logic of the window wall system. At the same time, to ensure sustainable and flexible space utilization in the subsequent operation stage, we needed to make all spaces sound in lighting and ventilation in the design. More importantly, we wanted the layer of the building to have its own exclusive “expression”, taking on a unique code of genetic information. Ultimately, we adopted a bar code-like texture — composing a unified texture logic by random combination of four repeatable modules — to meet the needs of standard construction and actualize rich variations.

▼庭院概览,Overview of the courtyard ©胡义杰

▼立面特写,Close-up of the facade ©胡义杰


▼丰富的、跳跃的色彩变化,Rich, leaping color changes ©胡义杰

▼光影变化,Changing shadow and light ©胡义杰

In the color control, we took black and white as the dominant hue, and chose four low-saturation colors on the sides (the thickness direction of the concave and convex wall) to deliver fresh vitality. It also fit with the looks of a vibrant community center that we expected. Viewed from the front and side, the entire building presented different colors — only a black and white “bar code” texture is seen on the front, while rich, leaping color changes are caught from the side.

▼傍晚景色,Views at dusk ©胡义杰

▼精致的光线,Exquisite light design ©胡义杰


Publicity and “Blank-leaving”


▼“留白”空间,“Blank” spaces ©胡义杰

▼架空空间,Elevating spaces ©胡义杰

“Publicity” is not entirely provided by the designer or manager, but is shaped by all the “people” involved. In the design, we abandoned the purely ornamental, inaccessible and unusable decorative green space, and replaced them with more open, inclusive, multi-meaning public space and facilities — with more “activation”, less “restrictions”. In addition to some spaces specified for clear operation purposes (such as fresh food market, canteen, medical service center, and government affairs services), we had a lot of “blank” spaces reserved for flexible use, including indoor flexible display and activity spaces, and vast outdoor public spaces (such as the overhead space on the first floor, outdoor big step space for roadshows, climbing wall, court and roof garden). These are all open to the public at all times. We fully release 80% of the space on the ground and turn them into shared public space in the outdoors.

▼半开放空间,Semi-open spaces ©胡义杰

▼空间特写,Close-up ©胡义杰


▼让空间像有机整体一样自然生长,The space can grow naturally like an organic whole ©胡义杰

▼傍晚时分,At dusk ©胡义杰

In many cases, human spatial behaviors and the lifestyles and identities behind them cannot be “designed”, but can only be observed, respected, tolerated and guided. So “blank-leaving” becomes very important. At the initial stage of completion, we were wary that over-design might limit the growth of the space in the future. We preferred to see that as the operation contents are gradually enriched, these “blanks” are filled in some spontaneous ways, so that the space can grow naturally like an organic whole.

▼自发的活动,Spontaneous activities ©胡义杰


A Warm “Community”


▼夜景鸟瞰,Aerial view of the building in the evening ©胡义杰

Since it went into operation in October 2022, the community service center has completed innovations and been upgraded from versions 0 to 1.0 to 2.0, upholding the concept of co-building, co-creating and sharing with the residents. To date, it has established a Century Waterfront social group based on diverse interests, and customized activities around their spiritual culture, interests, and family interaction needs in such forms as one-day host, large-scale IP activities, Waterfront Society, and cross-industry cooperation. It attracts more people with frequent activities, invigorates the community and stimulates a common sense of identity.

▼夜景,Night views ©胡义杰


Architecture is a container of life. Community is the core of good life. Century Waterfront Community Service Center keeps innovating scene experience, and actively explores the feasibility of every community service with diversified design thinking, to create a warm and good life with a sense of belonging for the residents.

▼模型,Models ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼场地屏幕,Site plan ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼一层平面,First floor plan ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼二层平面,Second floor plan ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼三层平面,Third floor plan ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼四层平面,Fourth floor plan ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼五层平面,Fifth floor plan ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼六层平面,Sixth floor plan ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼屋顶平面,Roof plan ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼东立面图,East facade ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼西立面图,West facade ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼北立面图,North facade ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼南立面图,South facade ©水石设计-米川工作室

▼剖面图,Section ©水石设计-米川工作室

Project name: OCT Vanke Century Waterfront Community Service Center
Location: Qiaoxiang Road, Yunhai Road, Xihu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China
Building area: 14,427㎡
Design time: 2019
Completion time: 2022

Project owners: OCT Nanchang & Jiangxi Vanke
Owner design management team: Zhu Shu, Wan Luobin, Zhou Zhenwen, Zhao Xianlong, Tong Tao
Architectural design: SHUISHI-Micron Office
Host architects: Xie Yuan, Xu Jinwei
Architectural project team: Zhang Kairui, Wang Youwen, Zhang Shuai, He Yanjiao, Wang Meng, Deng Kun
Construction drawing: Shanghai International Construction Architectural Design Co., Ltd
Landscape design: QIDI Design
