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化学与微生物实验室,西班牙 / Penelas Architects

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2024-02-27 09:16




The building hosts a microbiological and chemical analysis laboratory with extremely complex functional facilities. This requires great functional efficiency in its final use compatible with a hyper-advanced image that, in parallel, aims to evoke emotions. The building presents a marked post-industrial aesthetic character. The building reactivates the powerful surrounding industrial landscape. Through its perforated facades, it filters the environment and generates its own interior landscape.

▼建筑概览,project overview © Imagen Subliminal

▼黄昏中的建筑立面,facade during dusk © Imagen Subliminal

外立面的形象和生物气候功能如同一个面纱,能够产生遮阳效果,调节建筑采光,其灵感直接来源于塞维利亚王宫(Reales Alcázares in Seville)建筑和其中大使厅(Salón de Embajadores)的穹顶,上面的三角几何图形与根据每个外立面的不同朝向而对不同气候环境做出回应。通过参数化计算系统,生成了一个具有现代几何形状的外立面,它试图与过去保持时空连续。简而言之:技术与本地传统的对话。

The image and bioclimatic functioning of the façade, conceived as a veil that generates shade and qualifies the light of the building, is directly inspired by the architecture of the Reales Alcázares in Seville and the dome of the Salón de Embajadores, generating a triangulated geometry that responds to the orientation of each façade, responding to the climatic context in which it is located. Through parametric-computational systems, a façade with a contemporary geometry is generated, which tries to maintain a spatiotemporal continuity to its past. In short: technology in dialogue with local tradition.

▼立面灵感来源于西班牙伊斯兰建筑,facade inspiration comes from traditional Islamic West architecture © Imagen Subliminal


The laboratories have a bioclimatic active skin designed to protect the interior from the sun, providing its own shading thanks to the fractured design that creates a double façade. Between these two building envelopes, the effect of a solar chimney is created and adjusted depending of the function of each of the building’s orientation: to the North with large perforations; to the West it is more opaque, with small perforations; to the East it receives the morning sun through variable perforations, and to the South – where the building facilities are located – it is practically opaque.

▼不同朝向拥有不同大小的开孔,perforations varies depending of the building’s orientation © Imagen Subliminal

▼立面,facade © Imagen Subliminal


The interior is composed by superimposed spatial strata. They generate a high spatial complexity, through the extension and overlapping slides of the different spaces and volumes. Thus, the building extends into the existing surroundings. A great central staircase-sculpture choreographs the building, with light descending from the lightwell. The interiors are illuminated, with sunlight filtered through the skylights, passing through the transparent glass planes creating a play of light and shadow. Beautiful, reflective and mysterious spaces arise, with optimal conditions to inhabit and work…

▼神秘、美丽、充满着反射光线的室内空间,beautiful, reflective and mysterious interior space © Imagen Subliminal

▼雕塑般的中央楼梯,central sculptural staircase © Imagen Subliminal

▼中央楼梯组织建筑空间,central staircase choreographs the whole building © Imagen Subliminal

▼天窗与室内空间,skylight and interior space © Imagen Subliminal


The building rises generating a sensation of weightlessness. It is suspended, with a large cantilever, floating and leaving a threshold area that allows it to filter into the sky and the landscape, as was often the case in the architecture of the Islamic West. The architecture is based on the continuity between the values that consolidated the architecture of the Islamic West and that extrapolates to the architecture that we propose and, therefore, with everything linked to its culture, with its treatments of light and shadow, achieving beautiful and mysterious, with optimal conditions to inhabit them.

▼悬挑漂浮在空中,a large floating cantilever © Imagen Subliminal

▼失重感的建筑夜景,a weightless building at night © Imagen Subliminal


This is a building of great sophistication, of reinforced concrete and steel, allowing for large spans across the building’s interior, creating very diaphanous spaces, necessary for the functioning of the laboratory. A slab grid – visible on the lower levels of the façade – has a clean meeting point with the exterior skin. Concrete, steel, glass, and aluminium, a set of materials enhance the building’s expression and concept.

▼结构交接细节,meeting point of the material © Imagen Subliminal

▼空间细节,spaces detail © Imagen Subliminal


All this reflects its original concept of a spatial symbiosis that creates a feeling of anticipation and magical stillness in its occupants.

▼空间共生,spatial symbiosis © Imagen Subliminal

▼概念示意,diagram © Penelas Architects

▼平面图,plan © Penelas Architects

▼立面图,elevations © Penelas Architects

▼剖面图,section © Penelas Architects

ARCHITECTURE OFFICE / ARCHITECT: José Luis Esteban Penelas / Penelas Architects
Website: www.penelas.com
Contact email: info@penelas.com
Completion year: 2021
LOCATION: Alcalá de Guadaíra (Sevilla, Spain)
BUILT AREA: 2.000 m2
Architects: Yolanda Hernández Lorente – María Esteban Casañas – Antonio Guijarro – Marina Rodríguez Sotoca – Kevin Román Cruz – Yakaterina Savina
Technical Architect: Antonio Atienza Ramírez
CLIENT: Grupo Biomaster
PHOTOGRAPHS: Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío Romero)
