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蔚来中心 合肥新桥产业园 / SHL

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2024-05-22 09:28



Co-create A New Milestone


▼项目视频,video © NIO

Since establishing a partnership with China’s leading premium EV automaker NIO by the scenic West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage site, in 2017, SHL has successfully shaped several NIO Houses (NIO’s flagship store), including NIO’s international expansion in Oslo, followed by Shanghai HKRI Taikoo Hui, Berlin, Düsseldorf and Munich. SHL has yet again partnered with NIO to create a new milestone flagship, the NIO House | Hefei Xinqiao Industrial Park. A new circular pavilion merges the ‘front stage’ customer experience with the ‘backstage’ manufacturing process, providing NIO users and business partners with an immersive insight into the NIO way of life and its advanced manufacturing prowess.

▼项目概览,Overall view © 田方方

蔚来中心 | 合肥新桥产业园(以下简称为“合肥新桥牛屋”)坐落于蔚来第二先进制造基地内,是园区内的点睛之笔。作为蔚来汽车全球布局中首座从建筑到室内一体化呈现品牌理念的蔚来中心、第一座“零碳”蔚来中心、同时还是迄今为止面积最大的蔚来中心,该建筑为用户们提供独一无二的全方位探索体验:走入其中,不仅能够近距离观赏汽车、试驾与提取新车,还能享受聚会的乐趣,并且有机会现场观摩生产车间的先进制造流程。

NIO House | Hefei Xinqiao Industrial Park, nestled within NIO’s Second Advanced Manufacturing Base, serves as the campus’ crown jewel. It’s the first in NIO’s worldwide network to embody the company’s ethos in both its architecture and interior design, the first carbon -zero NIO House, and the largest to date. This flagship offers a distinct, holistic experience – visitors can intimately engage with vehicles through close-up views, test drives, and new car pickups, while also indulging in the joys of socializing. Furthermore, they are afforded a rare glimpse into the sophisticated manufacturing processes via a bridge to the production workshop.

▼远观,Distant view © Arch-exist

▼建筑外立面,Facade © 田方方


Blue Sky Coming

合肥新桥牛屋的建筑和室内设计体现了蔚来践行“Blue Sky Coming”承诺的决心。整座建筑按照LEED金级和WELL铂金级健康和可持续性标准打造。其屋顶安装光伏阵列的发电量足以满足其自身运营的电力需求,实现了真正意义的“碳中和”。90%以上的金属使用了不锈钢代替铝材,大幅度降低建筑的隐含碳;这座圆形建筑内部,低碳环保理念体现在每一处细节,如核心筒墙采用了100%可生物降解的软木板材料。

▼项目模型,model © SHL

NIO House | Hefei Xinqiao Industrial Park demonstrates NIO’s ‘Blue Sky Coming’ initiative through its architecture and interiors. Constructed to LEED Gold and WELL Platinum standards, it reflects NIO’s dedication to health and sustainability. The building operates on a self-sufficient, carbon-neutral model, thanks to a rooftop solar array, that includes nearby factory roofs and parking structures. It boasts a reduced carbon footprint by utilizing over 90% stainless steel instead of aluminum. The interiors further apply green principles such as core walls clad in 100% biodegradable cork.

▼立面近景,Close view of facade © 田方方

▼简洁而纯粹的立面形态,Simple and pure facade form © 田方方


Deconstruction and Reconstruction


▼分析图,analysis © SHL

The building is situated near the airport, at the primary entry to Neo Park, an 11.3 square kilometer industry park specifically for smart electric vehicle production master-planned by SHL’s parent company Perkins&Will. Its distinctive circular, open design distinguishes it from the neighboring rectangular factories, yet its scale ensures a harmonious blend with the adjacent architecture.

▼室内空间概览,Main interior view © 田方方


▼手绘草图,handdrawing © SHL

The space artfully deconstructs NIO’s iconic logo with architectural language, weaving the vehicle’s streamlined contours into the fabric of the design, thus showcasing the sophisticated lifestyle that NIO advocates.

▼休息空间,Leisure space © 田方方


The Essence of Purity


▼可持续剖面分析图,sustainable analysis © SHL

Drawing inspiration from NIO’s car interiors, the interior combines clean, sharp lines with a variety of materials to cultivate a warm atmosphere that is intricate yet pure. Expansive terrazzo and wooden finishes continue the NIO Houses’ identity in their texture. Biophilic design principles come to life amidst lush greenery and abundant natural light, endowing the space with an energetic and dynamic vibe.

▼双层空间,Double floor space © 田方方

▼仰视天花板,Looking up at the celling © 田方方

▼室内空间细部,Interior details © 田方方


The building’s neat appearance resonates with NIO’s philosophy, further accentuating the brand’s identity. A double-layered skin of glass and stainless steel creates a transparent facade that seamlessly merges indoor and outdoor spaces, allowing people to experience the building’s openness and lightness throughout.

▼夜览,Night view © NIO

▼总平面图,masterplan © SHL

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © SHL

项目名称:蔚来中心 | 合肥新桥产业园
主创建筑师:Chris Hardie
项目负责人:Zhigang Huang
建筑设计团队:Chris Hardie, Zhigang Huang, Mai Zhang, Thomas Saerkjaer, Sebastian Correa, Xiao Sun, Kejin Kuang, Barteck Winnicki, Shuo Jiang, Bozhena Hoida, Qi Zhao
室内设计团队:Chris Hardie, Zhigang Huang, Xiaorong Cai, Fangzhou Zhu, Ru Jia, Kejin Kuang, Yuqian Lu

Project: NIO House | Hefei Xinqiao Industrial Park
Client: NIO Inc.
Size: 4,000 m2
Start Date:January 2021
Completion Date:August 2023
Programs:User Center, Delivery Center, Gallery
Scope:Architecture, Interior
Sustainability:China 3-star Green Building, LEED Gold, WELL Platinum
Principal in Charge:Chris Hardie
Project Architect:Zhigang Huang
Architectural Design Team:Chris Hardie, Zhigang Huang, Mai Zhang, Thomas Saerkjaer, Sebastian Correa, Xiao Sun, Kejin Kuang, Barteck Winnicki, Shuo Jiang, Bozhena Hoida, Qi Zhao
Interior Design Team: Chris Hardie, Zhigang Huang, Xiaorong Cai, Fangzhou Zhu, Ru Jia, Kejin Kuang, Yuqian Lu
Architectural Design:Automotive Engineering Corporation
LEED Consultant:Bureau Veritas Group
WELL Consultant:CBRE
Light Consultant:LEOX
Façade Consultant:Shanghai CIMA Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd.
Contractor:Anhui Shui’an Construction Group Co., Ltd.、Shanghai Symbol Industrial Group Co., Ltd.
Image Credits:©SHL, ©Tian Fangfang, ©Arch-exist, ©NIO
