Rational curves on Mg and K3 surfaces Fano 5-folds with nef tangent bundles and Picard numbers greater than one On the Complexity of Hilbert Refutations for Partition
Calculating with topological André-Quillen theory, I Homotopical properties of universal derivations and free commutative S-algebras The realizability of operations on homotopy groups conce...
A Proof of Fejes Toth´s Conjecture on Sphere Packings with Kissing Number Twelve An axiomatic look at a windmill Bakry-Émery curvature-dimension condition and Riemannian Ricci curva...
Generalization of the Menger´s Theorem to Simplicial Complexes and Certain Invariants of the Underlying Topological Spaces Stable classification of 4-manifolds obtained by the surgery on l...
Inverse boundary value problem for linear Schrödinger equation in two dimensions Large liquidity expansion of super-hedging costs Dissipative perturbations for the K(n,n) Rosena...
Directional Lower Porosity Harmonic maps on smooth metric measure spaces and their convergence On approximations by projections of polytopes with few facets