Right lower lung abscess misdiagnosed as tuberculosis and 1 case of empty_7032.doc
Right lower lung abscess misdiagnosed as tuberculosis and 1 case of empty_7032
胆管结核误诊为壶腹周围癌一例并文献复习 Biliary Tuberculosis Misdiagnosed as Periampullary Carcinoma:a Case Report and Literature Review.pdf
胆管结核误诊为壶腹周围癌一例并文献复习 Biliary Tuberculosis Misdiagnosed as Periampullary Carcinoma:a Case Report and Literature Review
Misdiagnosed functional islet cell tumor - report of three cases of the-毕业论文翻译.pdf
Misdiagnosed functional islet cell tumor - report of three cases of the-毕业论文翻译Misdiagnosed functional islet cell tumor - report of three cases of the-毕业论文翻译Misdiagnosed functional islet cell tumor - report of three cases of the-毕业论文翻译
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cytomegalovirus infective gastritis in an immunocompetent host misdiagnosed as malignancy on upper gastrointestinal endoscopy a case report and rev
Lupus Vulgaris Erythematoides report of a patient initially misdiagnosed as dermatitis.pdf
Lupus Vulgaris Erythematoides report of a patient initially misdiagnosed as dermatitis
Vesicular erythema migrans an atypical and easily misdiagnosed form of Lyme disease.pdf
Vesicular erythema migrans an atypical and easily misdiagnosed form of Lyme disease
Ocular sporotrichosis A frequently misdiagnosed cause of granulomatous conjunctivitis in epidemic areas.pdf
Ocular sporotrichosis A frequently misdiagnosed cause of granulomatous conjunctivitis in epidemic areas
Symptomatic Morgagni Hernia Misdiagnosed As Chilaiditi Syndrome(有症状的Morgagni疝气被误诊为Chilaiditi综合征).pdf
Symptomatic Morgagni Hernia Misdiagnosed As Chilaiditi Syndrome(有症状的Morgagni疝气被误诊为Chilaiditi综合征)

