Perimeter under multiple Steiner symmetrizations Quasiconformal maps with bilipschitz or identity boundary values in Banach spaces Riemannian Polyhedra and Liouville-type Theorems for H...
Dequantization of Mathematics, idempotent semirings and fuzzy sets 逻辑 A geometric approach to a generalized virial theorem A REVIEW OF THE LARGE N LIMIT OF TENSOR MODELS
On Scalable Video Streaming over Cognitive Radio Cellular and Ad Hoc Networks Period Distribution of Inversive Pseudorandom Number Generators Over Finite Fields Reply to ´Comment...
Sur les rapprochements par conjugaison en dimension 1 et classe C1 The Mutual Inclusion in a Nonlocal Competitive Lotka Volterra System Conjugacy classes of diffeomorphisms of the inter...
The Annealing Sparse Bayesian Learning Algorithm The degrees of freedom of MIMO networks with full-duplex receiver cooperation but no CSIT The Sample Complexity of Search over Mul...
Constructive Homological Algebra and Applications Non-commutative Krull monoids A divisor theoretic approach and their arithmetic Persistence and stability properties of powers of ideals
Fixed points of nilpotent actions on S2 Stationary and Traveling Wave States of the Kuramoto Model with an Arbitrary Distribution of Frequencies and Coupling Strengths
Maximal super Yang-Mills theories on curved background with off-shell supercharges New conserved vorticity integrals for moving surfaces in multi-dimensional fluid flow
Homogeneous spaces adapted to singular integral operators involving The Lip-lip condition on metric measure spaces An approximation theorem for non-decreasing functions on compact posets