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万科奥运冰雪公园,包头 / ZAP ASSOCIATES

  • 专业分类:园林景观
  • 2020-07-28 09:34




With the reshaping of the “horizon” and “skyline” in the venue, we hope to establish a section of the most breathable boundary, the lightest and most eye-catching “signpost”, and many hottest activity fields.

▼项目概览,overall view © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)


▼冰雪概念,the concept of ice and snow © ZAP ASSOCIATES

The project is located in the New Urban Area of Baotou City, covering an area of about 20000 m2. Adjacent to the construction road, which is the main axis of the city connecting the new and old urban areas in the East and the west, it is only one street away from the Baotou municipal government. It is planned to build the largest indoor ice snow Pavilion in the Hohhot-Baotou-Erdos area in the south of the base in the next two to three years. Through several rounds of communication with the owners, ice and snow as well as outdoor sports have become the main theme of the belt-shape park. However, for such a flat and narrow space facing the urban expressway which is nearly 100 meters long, how to plan the internal and external traffic and functional layout and the image features of the interface showing outward, and strengthen the concept of ice and snow on the nodes to create a sense of belonging for all participants joining the park have become the focus of our overall thinking.

▼ 鸟瞰,bird-view © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)


The shaping of the terrain will make the site more fulfilled, enrich the experience of the main and secondary moving lines, and at the same time, it also provides a panoramic “overlooking platform” through the birch forest for people who just enter the venue. In terms of function setting, the flexible layout containing extreme sports field, basketball court and small football field contribute to strengthening the whole area concept of outdoor sports in the park. For the parent-child group that can popularize our venue, the designer considers embedding an 800m2 “Half Valley” in the terrain adjacent to the ice and snow museum to create a children’s activity area with the theme of polar scientific research. At the main entrance of the park, the designer considers a theme sculpture with ice and snow features, as well as combining with people’s participation to increase the attraction and publicity of the site.

▼ 设计生成,designing progress © ZAP ASSOCIATES

▼ 轴测图,axonometric drawing © ZAP ASSOCIATES


▼ 各功能区鸟瞰,bird-view of different area of the site © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)


Take the sculpture-like grass slope terrain, green forest belt and “blue ice” landscape wall as the background, the big and small icebergs during the daytime are particularly crystal clear, is like being inside an iceberg. The design structure with passageways through it brings people a sense of surprise and stimulates people’s desire to explore. The flickering lights sparkle in the twilight. We don’t want it to just stand still at the entrance, but to make the iceberg “alive” through dynamic lighting design and injecting interactive participation

▼ 主入口的冰雪主题性雕塑,ice and snow sculpture at the main entrance © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)

▼ 可穿梭贯通的设计结构带给人们以惊喜感和探索欲,design structure with passageways through it brings people a sense of surprise and stimulates people’s desire to explore © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)

▼ 雕塑结构细节,detial of the sculpture © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)


The assembly and testing process of the large and small icebergs, the repeated grind and experiments of the structure, materials and technology and construction site testing and reviewing. Day and night of “blue ice” landscape wall. Make the twinkling night scene effect of the big and small iceberg sculptures become the main scene of the entrance square. The lighting mode and illuminance of the “blue ice” landscape wall are relatively limited, and it only serves as the background of the overall environment

▼ “蓝冰”景墙作为背景,”blue ice” landscape walls serves as the background © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)


The colorful artistic “ribbon” is fixed in this extreme sports experience area with rich terrain changes. The boundless vitality infused in it constantly attracts young people and extreme sports lovers who come to try to free themselves.

▼极限活动体验区,extreme sports experience area  © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)

▼地面上印有五彩斑斓的艺术“彩带”,colorful artistic “ribbon” on floor   © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)


▼ 运动区轴测图,axonometric drawing of the sports area © ZAP ASSOCIATES

The colorful ground spraying of the ball field and the ball rack with artistic modeling create a free and unlimited street temperament. This segment imitates the iceberg skyline. The transparent “boundary” made of nearly 4800M long blue nylon rope and with the longest height of 10M, is does not only serve as the role of city image display facing the external fast trunk road, but also the safety hoarding of ball games inside the park.

▼缤纷的地面营造出自由奔放的街头气质,colorful ground create a free and unlimited street temperament  © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)

▼篮球场,basketball field © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)

▼足球场,football field © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)

▼蓝色系尼龙绳打造而成的通透“边界”,transparent “boundary” made of nearly 4800M long blue nylon rope © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)


Laser projection of ice and snow theme at the west entrance of Ice and Snow Museum. The form of the rest seats can somewhat echo with the cornice of the building’s roof in the design. The inside inclined column of mirror finished stainless steel of the ring-shaped seat is used to make it look like completely hidden in the plants, which achieves the expected suspension effect.

▼博物馆入口广场鸟瞰,birdview of the entrance of Ice and Snow Museum © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)

▼广场上的休憩座椅和激光投影,rest seats and laser projection on the square © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)


With the semi-ring-shaped “art sculpture” on the ground of the square, combined with the music fountain stage controlled by numerical control programming, the underwater Galaxy starlight, the cascading terrace stand in the shade of the trees and the water fall on the sidewall of the sinking channel, a water square people can sit on, watch and play. When there is no water in the site, it can also be used as a gathering activity venue for outdoor exhibition planning.

▼音乐旱喷舞台,music fountain stage © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)

▼水景细节,detail of the pool © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)


Here we imitate a huge icebreaking research ship parked in the floating ice, lighthouses on the white beach to light the surrounding areas, polar caves that people can hide in and pass through, the “ice rock bridge” people can climb up with the stairs, the sand playing equipment on the beach and the ice and snow climbing. Together with all these we have created a scientific journey and fun experience about exploring the ice and snow and polar landscape for children. In this icebreaking paradise, we hope the scenery is cool and the people are hot.

▼模拟的破冰科考船成为游乐设施, huge icebreaking research ship as recreation facility © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)

▼模拟的白沙滩儿童游乐场,灯塔和岩洞,white sand beach children’s playground, lighthouses and polar caves © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)

▼攀爬墙,climbing wall © 三映景观摄影(任意/黄鹏程)


Carving on the ground of the distribution of glaciers in the west square of the park.

▼ 石材地雕,carving on the ground © ZAP ASSOCIATES

▼ 场地区位图,site location © ZAP ASSOCIATES

▼ 设计草图,design sketch © ZAP ASSOCIATES

▼平面图,plan © ZAP ASSOCIATES

▼轴测图,axonometric drawing © ZAP ASSOCIATES

▼装置细节图,detail drawing of the device © ZAP ASSOCIATES

▼造型墙细节,detail of the landscape wall music fountain © ZAP ASSOCIATES

▼音乐喷泉细节,detail of the  © ZAP ASSOCIATES

项目名称:包头 · 万科奥运冰雪公园


LOCATION: Qingshan Road, Xindushi District, BAOTOU
