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艾美酒店景观设计,郑州 / Shma

  • 专业分类:园林景观
  • 2022-05-09 09:15



艾美酒店位于中国郑州市的城市交汇处。这是一个小规模的改造项目,在现有五星级酒店前的景观面积约6000平方米,由 Neri & Hu 于2013年完成。客户的要求是寻找一个令人惊叹的酒店正面景观,以改善整体外观,同时解决地面停车位和车辆移动的问题。由于位于人口稠密的地区,我们将实现互动、富有想象力和艺术化的景观,成为该区域的新地标。

▼项目概览,overall of the project ©Shma

Le Meridien Hotel is located in an urban intersection of Zhengzhou City, China. It is a small-scale renovation project with around 6,000 SQM of landscape area in the front of existing five star hotel completed in 2013 by Neri & Hu. Client’s brief is looking for a stunning hotel frontage landscape to improve the overall appearance as well as resolving the ground parking spaces and vehicular movement at the same time. With the location that is located in a quite densely populated area we set to achieve a landscape that is interactive, imaginative and artistically crafted to become the new landmark for this neighborhood.

▼项目整体航拍顶视图,aerial view of the project ©Shma


▼概念分析,concept diagram ©Shma

As a respect to historical weaving textile industry of Zhengzhou, we created sculptural-like landscape weave and fold to reveal an aesthetically pleasing public space. Series of undulating lawn stripe represent the silk being woven – up and down – into fabric sheets by traditional machine. Interval space is defined by matching the existing lobby pillars and architectural orders to stitch the landscape and building together in the master plan seamlessly integrated with car parking layout. Water feature stripes with sculpture is proposed in front of lobby drop-off as main welcoming elements.

▼景观、建筑与停车场的无缝结合,seamless integration of landscape, architecture and parking lot ©Shma

▼编织和折叠的手法创造出雕塑般的大地景观,weaving and folding designs create a sculptural landscape of the earth©Shma


▼分区与流线分析,analysis of zoning and accessibility ©Shma

The use two different colours for finishing of stainless steel for the planters is to play with the unique public/private characters of the urban hotel. When view from public road side, brilliant bronze colour is used to project an outgoing and fun energy signify this urban corner while black mirror material is selected to achieve a more calm and relaxing when perceived from the hotel side looking out.

▼饰面采用了两种不同颜色的不锈钢,two different colours for finishing of stainless steel for the planters ©Shma

▼黑色的镜面材料用于从靠酒店側,使人向外望时更加平静和放松,black mirror material is selected to achieve a more calm and relaxing ©Shma

▼明亮的青铜色被用来投射出外向且有趣的能量,brilliant bronze colour is used to project an outgoing and fun energy ©Shma


▼分析图,diagram ©Shma

With the fact that there are massive structure of new underground metro station beneath half of our landscape spaces, we took great care in coordination of paving patterns, manholes and planting soil depth to achieve a simplistic design result. This is including camouflaging the four ventilation shafts and emergency staircase structure that pops up in landscape with mirror finishes making them disappear visually.

▼停车场顶视图,top view of the parking area ©Shma

▼停车场细部,detail of the parking area ©Shma

景观完成后,波浪形的草坪条纹、统一的反光水景以及镜面花盆饰面的反射相互作用,照亮了整个酒店区。这是一个私人拥有的公共空间,成为一个新的聚会场所,适合各种活动,从与朋友见面、Instagram 自拍到婚纱照。该景观被视为这个十字路口的新地标,并吸引了附近及周边地区人们的注意。

▼统一的反光水景,the unified reflective water feature ©Shma

▼水景细部,detail of the reflective water feature ©Shma

After the landscape was completed, it lightens up the whole hotel district with the wavy lawn stripe, the unified reflective water feature, and the interplay of reflection from mirrored planter finishes. It’s a privately owned public space that becoming a new gathering spot catered for various activities from meeting up with friends, Instagram selfie to wedding photoshoot. The landscape is being perceived as a new landmark of this intersection and draws many interest from people in the neighbourhood and beyond.

▼局部顶视图,partial top view ©Shma

▼插画表达,illustration ©Shma

▼平面图,plan ©Shma

Name of Project: Le Meridien
Location: Zhengzhou City, China
Landscape Area: 6000 sq.m.
Landscape Architect: Shma Company Limited (http://www.shmadesigns.com/)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Shmadesigns
Project Team:
Design Director – Prapan Napawongdee
Landscape Architect – Qiwen Huang, Thanapol Masuchand
Graphic Designer – Thanaphum Thongprasert , Warunya Rujeewong
Horticulturist – Tanee Sawasdee
Client & Developer: Central China
Architect: Neri&Hu
