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ZAW大楼改造,瑞士 / idArchitekt.innen and Aetal

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2022-12-16 09:16




The commercial building, constructed in 1978, is located in the municipality of Zollikon on the shore of Lake Zurich. It is flanked by the Seestrasse to the west and the railway tracks to the east. The building, which dates from the late 1970s, is being renovated and a full storey added to the overall volume. In addition, two storeys inside the building will be converted into a kindergarten as part of the renovation.

▼建筑外观,overview of the exterior © Markus Bertschi Fotografie


The extension makes strong reference to the tectonics of the existing building – its rhythm is continued in the attic storey. The elevation of the window openings and the change of material from concrete to steel form a clear conclusion to the existing main body. The result is a characteristic division into base, main and attic volumes. In the west, the building envelope detaches itself from the primary structure and creates space for a ge- nerous terrace with a view of the lake via setback.

▼建筑外观正立面,front view of the exterior © Markus Bertschi Fotografie

▼由停车场看向建筑,a view from the car park to the building © Markus Bertschi Fotografie


In keeping with the structural concept of the exis- ting building, with its load-dissipating prefabrica- ted concrete façade, the load-bearing core and the floor slabs spanning freely in between, the vertical load transfer of the extension follows the same structural principle. The extension in steel-wood hybrid construction spans the entire floor plan, in- cluding the pergola structure, and thus guarantees that no loads are transferred to the existing floor slab.

▼跨越整个空间的钢木混合结构,the steel-wood hybrid construction spans the entire floor plan © Markus Bertschi Fotografie


The ceilings and core walls on the existing floors will be upgraded. The concrete ceilings are left visible, whereas the core walls are clad with black mdf. The dark cladding in the centre of the free floor plan is contrasted with the light, sand-colou- red cladding on the inside of the façade. It provides a counterbalance and also makes an important contribution to a concerted feeling of space with its acoustic perforation.

▼协调统一的空间,a concerted feeling of space  © Markus Bertschi Fotografie

▼由吧台看向主空间,a view from the bar to the main space  © Markus Bertschi Fotografie


Just like the extension of the kindergarten, the retrofitted flat expansion on the attic floor is based on the principles of the existing building. The access core is extended in terms of space. On the one hand, this takes the form of directly adjoining rooms or – in the case of the flat – by means of free-standing wet rooms, which are connected to the core in the centre via a built-up topography of acrylic stone.

▼丙烯酸石材室内台阶,a built-up topography of acrylic stone  © Markus Bertschi Fotografie


Room-high swing and sliding doors that can be opened 180° allow various room confi- gurations to meet the different needs of everyday life. For example, the side rooms open to the faça- de can be closed off to form compact chambers that zone the open floor plan.

▼可移动的推拉门创造不同的空间类型,sliding doors creates different spaces  © Markus Bertschi Fotografie

▼可移动的推拉门创造不同的空间类型,sliding doors creates different spaces  © Markus Bertschi Fotografie


Along the façade and the core, a flowing space is created that allows the characteristics of the „plan libre“ to continue to be experienced spatially in its generosity.

▼一层轴测图,axonometric drawing of the ground floor ©idArchitekt.innen and Aetal

▼二层轴测图,axonometric drawing of the first floor © Markus Bertschi Fotografie

▼顶层轴测图,axonometric drawing of the top floor © idArchitekt.innen and Aetal

▼立面图,elevation © idArchitekt.innen and Aetal

Object: ZAW . Conversion + extension of commercial building
Year:2018-2020 . Renovation + extension of kindergarten
2018-2021 . Addition of attic
2021-2022 . Extension of flat
Typ: Conversion + extension, commercial, kindergarten + residential
Location: Zollikon, ZH Switzerland
