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OKA滨水长廊,俄罗斯 / Megabudka Architecture Bureau

  • 专业分类:园林景观
  • 2023-11-01 09:26




Based on the visual landscape analysis of the territories and the social and cultural research, we suggested the solutions that would solve the territory’s main problems, i.e. its negligence, lack of functional areas and being a nuisance for all the groups of people.

▼项目概览,overview © IRGSNO

▼公园俯瞰,top view of the park © IRGSNO

▼滨水大道,seashore promenade © Ilya Ivanov


▼轴测图,axon © Megabudka Architecture Bureau

The promenade received a site to hold events, pavilions for a variety of uses, including a public toilet, that was missing there throughout the entire territory. We also managed to arrange spots for quiet and family recreation, a children’s area and even areas for picnics on pontoons. Besides, to let the residents enjoy the view of the river and the historic centre of the city, a large circular tiered seating was built next to the Ermolayevy Hotel, and viewpoints with tower viewers appeared along the promenade. As many people come to the promenade to do sport, we provided the areas for different groups of people: a workout area, a skate spot and parking for bicycles.

▼项目俯瞰,top view of the project © IRGSNO

▼大桥下的步道,walkway under the bridge © IRGSNO

▼休闲区,recreation area © IRGSNO

▼远望阶梯座位区,distant view of tiered seatings © IRGSNO

▼阶梯座椅区,tiered seating area © IRGSNO


Bookcrossing performs the cultural and educational purpose. Open-air dancing found its place, too. To ease navigation, we installed information stands and provided a beautiful map. We didn’t forget about local designers either, there are plenty of them in the city – we are going to build a glass block pavilion for them, which will attract not only the locals, but tourists as well.

▼俯视观景台,viewpoints aerial view © IRGSNO

▼观景台概览,viewpoints overview © IRGSNO

▼护岸,bank dam © IRGSNO

▼平面图,plan © Megabudka Architecture Bureau

authors (in alphabetical order):
Anna Burlakova
Kirill Gudkov
Anastasia Luzina
Anastasia Lyutaya
Ekaterina Maksimova
Artyom Netsvetayev
Artyom Ukropov
Maria Shchenikova
project managers:
Konstantin Dyomin
Natalya Suvorova

curator: IRGSNO
client: Nizhny 800
status: implemented
area: 13.9 ha
location: Nizhny Novgorod
year: 2021
